Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
Zion is about to be attacked, all ships are ordered to stand ready to fight...
except the NEB - Commandeered by Morpheus - which stays in broadcast
range of the Matrix.
I think it was another ship told to stay in broadcast range for a signal from the oracle was it not? Cause remember morpheus got in shit by that other black guy for disobeying a direct order. When the Oracle contacted that ship, then the NEB and those two other ships went up.
Neo consults the Oracle, who is really another program
from the Matrix, working for itself or on orders from someone or something.
In order to stop the attack on Zion, they must destroy the Matrix, and to do
so, find the Keymaker. In order to access the source, they must shut down
the power to a huge block and to do so, require the help of the Icarus and
another ship, the Hammer. [/quote:ea4de]
[quote:ea4de]After some action, Neo meets the godlike
Architect, who is the creator of the Matrix. He must choose to save Trinity or
destroy the Matrix. Saving Trinity, they exit the Matrix and leave the ship,
which is about to get blown to bits. Sentinels find the crew and Neo creates
an EMP blast, halting the attack, rendering himself unconscious.
[/quote:ea4de]The archiect tells neo he has two choices after they went through this whole thing about how there are no choices and it is inevitable neo will save them and such, right? The architect says the door to the right leads to the source, which the keymaker got them to after a lot of cool fighting, which will restart the matrix and neo wil chose 7 men and 8 women to repopulate the matrix because everything will be destroyed. they are currently on Matrix V6.0, and the door to the left saves trininy who went into the matrix after neo told her not to. but she had to otherwise they wouldn't ahev gotten to the architect because the power had to be off because of all the security systems and the sentinals attacked a ship where the guys who were responsible for turning off the power and therefore died and couldn't finish their mission.
So Neo had to choose between restarting the matrix at the source, which is the door to his right, or saving trininy who is falling out of a window after being shot, to his left. he choses trininy and saves her while the machines bored to the city and destroyed everything.
There was only 1 survivor they could find and it was a bad guy. can't remember what he did exactly, but we don't know the consequences of his actions as the movie leaves us with neo and him hooked up to life support. So we'll ahev to find out what this bad dudes story is all about.
Neo did use his "powers" to stop the sentinels in the "real world" and i haden't thought that much about it. Thats strange. Maybe he can be the one everywhere, or maybe their inside another matrix, who knows.
The godlike Architect stole the show: whether he
is human or machine is still debatable, however I gravitate towards human:
after all, wouldn't that be the ultimate form of power and of controlling said
Cause and Effect ? We'll find out on November 5th...[/quote:ea4de]
Yeah he said a LOT of stuff. I would think hes human as well. Hes basically the creator of the matrix, like a god to us. So hes like a God to the programs.
[quote:ea4de]Ok I saw it last night too. The story has gotten pretty complex. The architect I think was just another program, I don't think he's human. Also whats up with Agent Smith? Why the hell is he spawning himself over and over. And whats the deal with the guy that was found unconscous in the end, is that Agent Smith disguised as the other guy from the Matrix? Anyways the movie was better than I thought it was gonna be, but I think I need to see it again. You really need to pay attention when the Architech does his dialogue. Cant wait till the third part comes out, November? [/quote:ea4de]
Agent smith was able to spawn because he was unplugged from the matrix by neo.
Remember in the first one where neo got shot and then he got up and ran into smith and he exploded? Well they don't really explain it very well, but they say smith was unlugged and able to clone himself by stcking his hand into people and they would come out him. Remember he donsn't need his earpiece anymore and gives that to neo.
What i don't understand is why hes still fighting? He wanted to get out as he said in teh first one and basically isn't he as out as you can get? hes not under orders by the matrix or any other program any more. The whole smith thing is a little confusing.
Oh yeah!! Thank you you just jolted my memory. te guy with the beard and who was the only survivor of the attack on Zion was a human unplugged from teh matrix who was part of some ship and they were in the matrix. His buddy went to the phone and got put back into the real world anh he hung up and waited for the phone to ring. Then smith showed up and stuck his hand in him and turned him into a smith that was not a program and therefore could go back through the phone and into the real world ala Zion. Thats probably why he survived the attack because he had smiths powers and such.
So that deal above where i said this dude was bad...this is what really happened. hes agent smith clone inside one o the few remaining human ships. I would think theres only one since the NEB got blown up, the sentinels blew one up while those guys were trying to shut the power off, the only one left would be jada pinkets ship, which all the remaining people are on. Just jadas crew, morpheus and his crew and that agen smith disguised as some other ships crew member.