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Default 01-14-2002, 12:23 AM

About he op sea lion The u could of done 2 things!! 1 make ships or 2 wipe the british air power out and just used air.also
on D-day IF HITLER and his staff listend to rommel on his idea on D-day it would of been hell for us. He wanted ball baring mines.

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Default 01-14-2002, 12:33 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Highlander:
Yah man to me it sounds that you post too much shit just so you can get your post # up. Plus are you a nazi or something, it sounds as if you wanted Germany to won the war you nazi. If you are. go back to Germany. DOnt post Ridiulous things, Mosquito is right. Britian would have owned germany if they launced an invasion of britain ;P<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

back in the day, thats what people said about france and russia too =]

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Default 01-14-2002, 12:45 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by luftwaffe JG52:
Whell germany should of kept on its AIr power!! they lost a lot in battle of britain cause the escorting issue. The lufttwaffe was just doing little jabo raidss and idnt have that much power. ONLY IF THE ME 262 CAME 1 YEAR ERALIER! it would of been the saverior of germany. Other peeps had the jet power but it was technolgy behind.


noooooo....if only hitler's dumb ass would have let the 262 be used in ALL roles....the timing wasn't as important as this HUGE blunder.....

Mein Ehre Heisst Treue
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Default 01-14-2002, 12:49 AM

Thanks Mosquito for that educated response to a "copy out of the book" post....

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Default 01-14-2002, 12:49 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mosquito:
Response to lutwaffe JG 52:
Apparently not only are you some kind of Aryan Nazi POS who hasn't yet realized that Germany (specifically Hitler himself) LOST the war, but you also have absolutely no concept of WWII military history or strategy. Operation Sea Lion could not have worked regardless of when it was launched. Undertaking an invasion of Britain strong enough to conquer the island would have required tremendous resources, as in manpower, and hardware (something germany did not have, remember Stalin was itching to get into Germany regardless of the treaty it had signed with Germany and Hitler knew this). Secondly Germany would have required an actual Navy to defend the thousands of ships required to move that mass of manpower, weapons and supplies. A quick read of even a grade 9 history text book will back up that at this time in history Britain had the world's most powerful Navy, and a couple of battleships and dozen U-boats would have been hopelessly outgunned. Air power might have worked well against lightly gunned target in the early parts of WWII, but attacking massed British battleships, cruisers, and destroyers with air support would have been ludicrous and suicidal Even Hitler himself, not known for having a very good strategical mind, knew the folly of trying to invade Britain and said so in his diaries. I thought that white supremist pieces of trash read everything that their god Adolf wrote.

As for attacking Russia, the attack itself was the mistake. Coupled with the mass murders by the SS of every Russian soldier and prisoner left Germany with a Russian front that knew they couldn't surrender no matter what (surrendering meant the SS would torture and kill you and your family,funny how morons like you revel in the torturous killing of a innocents by a bunch of sadistics psychopaths)
Italy was useless, but they were on Germany's side, slowing any entry into Europe from the South. Hitler knew that it was better to keep Italy as friend rather than cut them loose to the allies providing a corridor almost right into Germany herself.
Next, the shift from bombing British air bases and ammo dumps to the terror bombing campaign just because one British bomber snuck in and dropped a bomb on German soil show just how stupid, militarily, Hitler really was. The shift was an emotional knee-jerk reaction, which provided Churchill with a massive shift in popular opinion to a total war effort regardless of the cost. Not providing Rommel with the supplies and manpower required to hold North Africa, and Germany's main supply of oil and gas, is another good indication of Hitler's inablity to fight an interantional war. He was purely a political mastermind with no military, or economic capabilities.
Finally, once the US entered the war, which would have happened one way or the other even had Pearl Harbour not occured (Roosevelt was searching for any reason to enter the war and had already ordered US ships to fire on all German ships of war on sight). The point of this is that with Canada's resources, added to the US's availible manpower, production and economic clout, Germany had no hope of winning the war. They might have been able to stretch it out, but they didn't have the resources (men, steel, oil, gas, etc...) to fight the allies. Remember that in the early days of the war the attrition rate was heavily in the favour of the Germans, but they didn't have the resources to continue fighting. Hitler's strategic screw ups only sped things up.
As for Germany should have won the war, are you on crack you snotnosed little snipe. Do you have any idea how many innocent people were tortured and excecuted simply because they had the bad luck to born Russian, or Jewish, or Black? Do you even know what Hitler's final solution was? The completer eradication of all non-caucasion person's (including those who might happen to have some non-caucasion, or jewish or russian blood in them). What kind of sick shit are you?
Why don't you try reading (if you can) a couple of books on the topic before making stupid posts, and while you're at maybe you should take a look at your heros. Does the killing and torturing of Jewish babies and children turn you on, the thought of Russian women being raped and burned alive by the hundred for the crime of being born Russian make you happy? Get a real life you loser!!!

You make several nice points here....EXCEPT you Trashed your "history" lesson by adding Flames....that wasn't called for...and is ALL pure speculation....he NEVER claimed to be a nazi/aryan/sadistic ....this is all just assumed....
If you are going to "school" people,why not leave the trash-talk this makes YOU look stupid as well...

Mein Ehre Heisst Treue
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mizat0 is Offline
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Default 01-14-2002, 12:54 AM

"ONLY IF THE ME 262 CAME 1 YEAR ERALIER! it would of been the saverior of germany."

yeah any only IF the stg 44 was used widely and earlir in the war, and only IF the allies didnt have the garand....
many ifs..., but since its in the past, nothing can be done
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Default 01-14-2002, 12:57 AM

This is just silly.
There are many ways Germany could have won the war.
But with one single power economy drops like a stone, that and Hitler was a loon.
Ach, even in Normandy, if he let Rommel have his way the Panzer divisions would have faught off the invasion.
Hitler didn't like hearing generals arguing so he took command of the divisions, ironically "Der FÜhrer" woke up late on the day of the invasion, and by the time any divisions arrived the Allies already had the beach head.
Also, since Britian wasn't doing anything the Luftwaffe shouldn't have gone in, it was just silly.
Even if they did, Hitler's fury over his city being bombed turned him egomaniacal again. He decided to stop his strategic bombing (which was doing one helluva lot of damage), and turned to bombing cities (which didn't do much but kill people).
And then with the ME-262, he wanted it to be a light bomber and delayed the production just so he could have his way. And finally with the "King Tiger (Panzerkampfwagen VII B Konigstiger) he could have made 3 ME-262's PER King Tiger panzer.
Many problems.
Many, many, problems.
Though I have to admit I'm glad the Wermacht was lead by such a psycho.
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Default 01-14-2002, 01:00 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ragnar:
He tried. Japan refused.


That was because of Germany's top spy, I forget the name but he was in "exile" in Japan and convinced the Jraps to stay away from Russia.
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Default 01-14-2002, 01:00 AM

Why do people think Britain and America were so moraly good in during the war. Britain only came into the war because the Nazis took over inocent europian counties and not because they were killing jews ( they didn't know about the concentration camps until nearer the end ), Britain were just as racist as the Nazis, almost. And America, well thoughs wankers weren't going to have anything to do with the war until they were attacked too, if none had attacked them they wouldn't have helped. Oh well everythings ok now...kinda

p.s I do NOT hate americans...I just don't agrea on some of their ideas/history. Don't bash me for it
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Default 01-14-2002, 01:02 AM

ya the bombing was a big thing.

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Hilikus is Offline
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Default 01-14-2002, 01:07 AM

Because thats what we wanted, the Germans to win. I can't imagine what the world would have become had Hitler won. You're disgusting.
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Default 01-14-2002, 01:08 AM

omg. If u talk about somthing that is related to racial probs they call u a racist. Or somthing else. thats the way eople fight back. so I dont care if u dont like Get out of the thread cause its on fire now!

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Highlander is Offline
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Default 01-14-2002, 01:10 AM

I think the nuking of japan was wrong, they were just pissed and wanted some nice nice payback for pearl harbour
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Mosquito is Offline
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Default 01-14-2002, 01:13 AM

"About he op sea lion The u could of done 2 things!! 1 make ships or 2 wipe the british air power out and just used air."
How the hell do you conquer an island with just air power? Are you on drugs or something? Try to remember, we are talking WWII Germany here against Britain, not modern day US against Iraq. Britain could not be conquered without a ground assault, and with increased production of aircraft from both Canada and the US, as well as Commonwealth and American pilots flying in the Battle of Britain, it would have only been a matter of time before Germany ran out of both pilots and aircraft (oh yah gee that's kind of what happened any way). After the Battle of Britain, the majority of Germany's top pilots were either fertilizer or fish food!

As for making ships, Germany didn't have the natural resources or the ship building resources to build a full blown navy capable of taking on the British navy. Every time they tried to put ships together, the shipyards got blown to pieces (again try reading a couple of history books I know it's hard but I have faith in you). The only viable navy was in France, but they were destroyed in a massive naval/aerial assault by the brits.
on D-day IF HITLER and his staff listend to rommel on his idea on D-day it would of been hell for us. He wanted ball baring mines.

If Hitler had listened to any of his staff before D-Day, they wouldn't have attacked Russia either, or continued on with Britain, etc.. they would have sat tight and waited.

If Hitler had listened and fortified the beaches of Normandy better, the death toll would have been much higher, but given the Germans lack of resources (remember more than half the German Army was in Russia), it's highly unlikely that germany would have been able to adequately cover all 4 landing zones. Either way the allies would have had at least 1 probably up to 3 beachheads to launch an assault from. Try to remember as well that the Americans and Canadians were also fighting up through Italy which was forcing resources to move south as well.

Finally, what are "ball barings" and where do you mine them? And are you saying us or US there is a difference. I'm not sure given you're past posts that I would consider you one of us that's for sure! I find it hard to believe that you're an American, though your info says your from California. Are you a foreigner or an American bred Nazi. Nothing worse than a North American bred Nazi. After our grandfathers went and died killing those bastards we get freaks like you coming out of the woodwork.
By the way, you can get a dictionary and thesaurus at most bookstores for less than $20. A couple of good history texts probably wouldn't put you amiss either although I take you for a 15 year old Nazi crackpot who cares nothing for his country. Get used to it freak, the Nazi's are dead and gone, and the regime is not coming back deal with it and get a life.

To show how bright your Hitler god was, try to remember Stalingrad, there was bright move eh!!
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Default 01-14-2002, 01:33 AM

to FuBarGrn. You are right with respect to the flaming, however it is difficult to listen to some little uneducated dunderhead (I say uneducated because of his complete lack of proper spelling, grammer and argument in general), go on about how the Nazi's should have won the war. And if I am "schooling people" with my version of "history" I am sorry if that is offensive, however this is a site which cover a game based on World War 2. May I also remind you that he started the thread with a series of supposedly accurate historical suppositions. Everything I have stated can be substantiated from several sources including articles, diaries, and logs from the Nazi high command itself (yes I have read many of the primary documents myself). Having a strong background in a game of this sort can increase the enjoyability of the game.
As for calling him an aryan and a racist, his posts (if you read them) show a definite level of support for the Nazi's (not the Wehrmacht though they were still guilty of many of the same crimes). If a person supports a homicidally racist regime, then what would you call them??
Just a thought.

Also to Ohgr:
I in no way am under any delusions about the angelic nature of the Americans, the Brits, the Russians, Canadians or any other participant in the war. Allied soldiers were just as capable of wartime atrocities as german soldiers with a difference of point. The Nazi regime set out to eliminate the Jewish people systematically. Hitler eventually intended to eliminate the world's entire non-Caucasion population (read Mein Kampf to get this in Hitler's own words). It is true that the Jewish people had been ostracized by every European culture (incl North America) for many centuries, but this was the first time anybody had actually rounded them all up and started state sanctioned executions.
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