I need to know 3 things that involve signature making!
1. How do I add a glow around text? I did it in one of my sigs then I forgot how!
2. I see a lot of sigs with 2 lines and then their name inside the lines. How do I do that?
3. I have also seen a lot of sigs with these cool bgs, almost looks like ice metal, Arch had one, now he changed it....how do I do those?
Ok, I still have some questions. I tried the Pencil thingy, but when I put a bg or color on the bg, it didn't show. So then I treid doing it again, except on the color and bg layer, but it didn't show. Am I doing something wrong?
Also, I forgot how to get other bgs in PS other than the ones they provide....help....me...
omfg, you dont even know what a poser means??? hake:
These are the defenitions of poser listed.
n. A wannabee; not hacker slang, but used among
crackers, phreaks and warez d00dz. Not as negative as lamer or
leech. Probably derives from a similar usage among punk-rockers
and metalheads, putting down those who "talk the talk but don't walk
the walk".