changing axis scope to allies stock -
07-09-2003, 09:22 PM
i dont know shit about modding, but i need to change the axis scope to the allied stock. is there anyway i can change a shader or some shit so that this can be done?
i was in one server where the scope on the axis was changed to the allies stock. it was a BK (black knights) realism server teamdm, customized i believe by BK FaZeR or maybe ArseniC. at any rate, i dont know their website but i do know that arsenic owns a sig site (talk to him there to find out who did it.) currently, its undergoing some server changes and i dont know when youll be able to talk to him there, but im trying to help.
dude antihero, if you mean you want the scope crosshair to be the same as the axis crosshair....then it is as simple as using the allied zoomoverlay.tga as the axis .tga just do the needed rotations and save them as kartop.tga and karbottom.tga.
There is only 1 way to convert the Kar98Sniper scope to the Springfield scope. And that is by renaming the weapon inside the Kar98Sniper.tik file. You cannot simply edit the .tga file. The scopes are mapped differently, so that if you edit the .tga file, you will just get garbage in return. If you decide to rename the weapon inside the .tik file, you will most likely cause the animations for that gun to not show up at all, but you will get the scope that you desire. The reason that the G43 has the allied scope is because it is not using the name Kar98-Sniper in the .tik file. That name alone tells the game to use the german scope. So in the end, you most likely will be stuck with the german scope.