Lean binding is not server side. Each player must decide weather to lean bind or not.. Some like to run around the map looking like they are deformed, while others perfer to stand up on our own two legs and run around. I only lean to look around corners and such.
**Practicing the dark art of turn signal usage since 1976.**
Johnj, Client side hey! but see here I think it's server side -since- I join server A. and this server lets be lean and walk, then I join server B. and this server doesn't let me lean and walk... So some servers can force lean bind and other do not :/ ?.. If it is truly client side then how do I configure lean bind for myself? *Thank you oOo:
Default is to allow leaning (DMFlag 262144) To disallow leaning subtract 262144 from your DMFlag total. You should go to the guide section and go through the guides on setting up servers.
**Practicing the dark art of turn signal usage since 1976.**
Johnj I cannot get either of the below commands to work when entered as shown in the in-game console;
bind key action +action
bind f strafeleft +leanleft
P.S. I looked in the Guides section of *alliedassult.com but there is nothing to refer to about console syntax or much else in my case, was that the guides you where referring to? oOo:
bind f "+moveleft;+leanleft"
bind g "+moverught:+leanright"
Play around wit those. As I told you though I don't use lean binding and it may not even work for Spearhead, although I have seen some peeps running around looking like they have ricketts.
Maybe someone else could give a little help here.
**Practicing the dark art of turn signal usage since 1976.**
"-->Lean binding is not server side. Each player must decide weather to lean bind or not.<--. Some like to run around the map looking like they are deformed, while others perfer to stand up on our own two legs and run around. I only lean to look around corners and such."
Johnj I noticed an exe that MOHAA doesn't have that MOHAAS has-
Medal of Honor Allied Assault exe's;
Medal of Honor Allied Assault: Spearhead exe's;
Spearhead_Server_Setup.exe <--
I ran this Spearhead_Server_Setup.exe and it loaded a GUI named MOHAAS Server Launch Utility, displayed is the adverage multiplayer settings ie. Team Match/Free For All... but taking a closer look I see there is an advanced section of settings which are not shown in the game when you go to create a server and one of which is "[ ] Lean While Running", how lame assed is that.. it's here in this GUI but not in the game pardon me, well on we go here SO I checked the option and clicked this button named "Run Server" and up starts a dedicated server GUI hake: lol,, well now I have a dedicated server running but that does me no justice since I have to use this computer to play on well serving mad: ,,Oh wells so mes'a just start up moh_spearhead.exe while running a dedicated server on the same computer and port back into myself style lol - So thats what I did, I only hope that I don't mess up the dedicated server's ablity to run smooth since I am porting back into myself.
P.S. Do you think I will have issues tomorrow at my lan/wan party doing it by the only way I see possible?
Referring to - "http://www.mohadmin.com/nuke/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=26"
I added "set dmflags 786432" as the very last line in my C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\MOHAA\mainta server.cfg file and nothing seems to change once I start my non-dedicated server. eek: