Hey guys, Bright Light is looking for any level designers who are looking to take their mod work a step further, or any talented artists who are passionate about game design.
We’re an established online indie game development team, already completed a physically published computer game, looking to fill two leading roles in design, coordination, and realization of multiplayer levels & gameplay on our new ambitious in-progress game project, “Helix Core”.
This isn’t a mod or licensed game, our game and engine have been built from scratch over the last few years. It is now in a fully playable state and we’re ramping up to full content production. This will be a fully competitive commercial game that we’re looking forward to showing at E3 and other expos in the near future. I’ll point out now that we’re all doing this at our own expense, so there’s no money involved until we sign with a publisher next year. What you will get is a chance to work with the most dedicated and passionate indie team around on a game that is taking the FPS genre to new heights.
You can get some more background, and see some screenshots at
http://www.helixcore.com. Here are a few scaled-down shots to give you a general idea of the game:
(flying the Banshee starship around our previous test level)
(the Light Armored Scout Vehicle, with shoot-your-weapon passenger-side seat and machine-gun turret mounted on the back)
(and oldie shot, but a goodie. our DUSB Marine character in a space station)
(boom -- the Zendigas Leafray weapon alternate fire, with ol' placeholder ut character model)
(the DUSB Grenadier shotgun blast, primary fire, hitting a Banshee's protective shield)
You’ll note the huge divergence in quality between shots, which is exactly why we’re making this post -- to find talented people who can bring this extremely powerful game and engine to its full potential as we begin this new phase in our development.
The gameplay revolves around team-based multiplayer combat, by way of objective-oriented missions lined with single-player style mission progression. We strongly believe the future of the FPS genre will be strategical as well as tactical. As such, we’re incorporating many aspects of the RTS genre but with some very interesting twists to blend the two genres into something very new and never before done.
Helix Core features land, air, and sea vehicles, an array of buildable base emplacements, beneficial inventory items and weapons that you can purchase with personal funds, and a personal advancement tree that allows team members to specialize and excel at their skills. You can progress to battlefield commander, who has the sole power to lead his team to victory. Or perhaps a weapons expert who can launch air strikes from the ground. The roles go far beyond this though, and we’re looking for someone who has the imagination to take our gameplay elements to their full potential.
This is to say nothing of our proprietary game engine's extremely advanced graphics technology. Pixel shaders and vertex shaders are in full swing, with effects such as per-pixel dynamic lighting on _everything_, bump mapping, true phong specularity and multi-pass mix-mapping coming into play. We intend to implement many more dynamic shader effects as we continue development, including perhaps the holy grail of real-time graphics, high dynamic range rendering.
HC's environments are designed in 3d studio max, and exported directly from there into the game via custom plugins. There are practically no limits to the scope of environments that can be designed -- no room/sector-based design confinements. This affords us the ability to create both massive detailed outdoor environments together with complex interior environments, helping to facilitate our gameplay goal of balance between tense tight in-foot combat and grand-scope vehicular combat (unlike some other vehicle-oriented games such as Battlefield, where it’s all boring terrain).
Now, here's what we're looking for in potential additions to the team. We are primarily seeking level designers of experience who would be very comfortable with most or all of the following:
-working with a team of experienced artists and programmers to make our next level show-off Helix Core visually. Our previous test-level was lacking in the visuals department, especially given our powerful technology.
-conceptualize level visuals, mission objectives
- focus level gameplay towards team conflict, with emphasis on gameplay-flow, chokepoints, and conflict areas both large and small
- construct and place level architecture & prefabs (we have an array of modellers who also can create as much or as little of the level architecture/prefab creation as the level designer wishes)
- write scripts (if he/she wishes -- otherwise our programmers will do it in line with any functionality that the level designer wants)
- play test the level online, refine, and play test again with everyone ad infinitum ;-)
Experience and enjoyment designing good levels for a relatively recent game is important. In addition, some degree of acquaintance with 3d studio max would be much preferred, as this will be your primary construction tool. The most important thing, of course, is for potential team members to be motivated and excited by the prospect of working with some of the most talented indie developers around -- work with us to create this next-generation game set in a brooding but big-action future, which will hit the market next year!
Interested? Questions? Contact us at
New members will be immediately added to the beta program and can join in the online play now, as well as the development e-mail listserv and online collaboration system (Wiki).
Cheers all,
Jeremy Stieglitz & Tim Johnson