Bring simo and white rabbit back! -
11-30-2003, 03:03 PM
zoner dosent like simo and white rabbit because he cannot take a joke the right way [img][/img]
anyways vote here too see the popular opinions
Fuck those cock rangers and there ass plowing ways.
um..thanks 0_o
[2:53pm] <Simo_Hayha> ... 8bfd4199f1
[2:54pm] <Miscellaneous> i replied
[2:56pm] <Simo_Hayha> lol thanks cutie
[2:57pm] * Simo_Hayha wonders what i ever did to miscguy 0_o
[2:59pm] <Miscellaneous> nothing... but that matters not, i hate everyone
i wouldnt use heart broken. anways i enjoy coming here and talking to people. plus i have 2 private messages from rudedog telling me how to create a phpbb backup using SSH access.
I hate to say it but goatse is so commonly known by people in most forums that an attack with it is weak, pointless, humorless, and a bunch more words with less at the end of them. If your foolish enough to look at a thread that says "OMFG LOOK IN HERE ITS 1337~!!!!1". You're to stupid to live and should stab yourself in the eye with a pen... If you havnt already after viewing Goatse.
To sum it up... Simo's cock hungry, and white rabbit gave it to him, thats why he was banned as well. Because we found out.
I understand you guys like to post and talk here. But quite honestly If I was told tommarro that I was banned and could not post here anymore , it really wouldn't bother me.
Consider this: You have made freinds and you know how to contact them if you like. They know how to contact you. What more do you really seek from the forum?
I began posting here to promote my clan. I am now retired from my clan. So I really have no further need to be here. But I post to occupy time , waiting for the laundry to finish and such. I dont even play the vidio game anymore. lol.
just as you said... i post to occupy my time. usually while im in my networking class. i think it will be more annoying if i keep coming back and posting shit like this. just bring us back and we will forget about it [img][/img]