Well I think its great they are building a symbol of freedom in the heart of the city that never sleeps, but I can't help but think that it's just gonna be another target for some crazy ass terrorist to bomb. I worry about it because that was the first thing I thought of when i saw it not how great it was.
it sux, it looks gay and they forgot the AA guns on the top. i think they should have rebuilt them the way they were before, but i doubt anyone would want to work in such a tall building anymore. if i did, i would keep a parachute in my desk.
I think they should have rebuilt them like they were but put a couple 5"/54cal naval guns on top, auto-loading and radar guided, the guns would be more to scare stupid terrorists from trying again rather than actually shooting planes, because the plane would still hit city even if you shoot it down.
Jeez, I remember back when everyone was shitting their pants about Anthrax, the fire department/posion control and all them were called to like, 10 buildings each week with an anthrax scare.
It usually turned out to be Baby powder, as it was found on that table in the washroom where you can change your babies diaper.
Anyway, I bet it'll be the most sophisticated building in the world. it'll have every piece of technology avaliable today implemented and it won't get attacked. It'll be some other building.