2nd Rangers, you know your WWII. Glad to see we have people in these forums who know what the hell they are talkin about...
The correct answer IS B, the Musette bag. The M1936 Haversack was givin to Ground Infantry. It couldent of been the ABN because they are friggin pistol belt pouches, and can hold 2 fragmentation grenades each. As for the Bread Basket, that was a German field gear item.
In my personal opinion, I like the Musette Bag a hell of alot better than the Haversack. In fact, I own a Musette bag as apart of my reenactment uniform field gear (Looks awsome when youve got it hooked up to your web gear and 10 pouch bandoleer belt...)
In fact, I own both a Haversack and a Musette bag, and to be honest, the Musette bag carries a SHIT load of things. About 2 rifle nades, 2 K Ration boxes, 2 morphine needles, a Gammon grenade, an anti tank mine, boxers, shaving brush, pack of cigs (Dont worry, I dont use em) a wool shirt, and alot more at the SAME TIME...
So congrats 2nd Rangers, you get a free "dick kiss" from Ms. Jameson herself...and if you dont know who she is, I HIGHLY recommend you download some of her...um..."works of art"
[This message has been edited by Syphon (edited January 25, 2002).]