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lol I beat the shit outta the Dutch exchange student.
Zap. USMC is Offline
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Default lol I beat the shit outta the Dutch exchange student. - 02-15-2004, 08:15 PM

Yesterday (Friday) I went to Syracuse (Nottingham High School, White Rabbit might know) for Swimming Sectionals championship and it was two days long, Friday and Saturday. Our team stayed at the local Quality Inn in Syracuse Friday night and things got very interesting Saturday morning when we were getting ready to leave. My good friend was wrestling around and tried punching me in the nuts, resulting in an ass whopping for him but the faggot ass Dutch exchange student who thinks he is king shit decided to step in and try to act tough. The Dutch bastard gets me from behind in the head lock and almost ripped my $300 leather jacket and throws me down to the ground and then runs away! So I take off my hat and jacket and run and spear the fag in the hotel hallway and get HIM in the headlock and gave him a taste of his own medicine. He was screaming for mercy so I decided to let him go and the bastard SWUNG AT ME! He hit me in the back of the head once and the back twice and then went for my legs. I thought it was just a friendly wrestling match but no I guess this piece of euro-trash took it to the next level. So my adrenaline get's pumping up and I just pull his shirt over his head while he was grabbing for my legs and I just throw him to the floor and start beating him with my fists... he realizes he has no chance so he crawls into a ball and lays there! I'm on my knees beating his back and kidneys until my fellow teammates rip me off and my coach walks out of his hotel room with his toothbrush in his mouth. My coach was speechless at first but our team fucks around all the time and he just kind of blew it off and told us to stay away from eachother and knock it off. Nothing really happened much after things were broken up. The Dutch kid yelled a few "insults" my way but he simply walked away in shame after getting his ass royally kicked, even though he had the advantage and even swung like 4 times, and even missing a few.

Later we met up and said sorry to eachother but poor "Dutchy" will be pissing wine for a few weeks because I fucked up his kidneys! Next time I wouldn't crawl into a ball when you get into a fist fight fucker!

I don't know about you guys but I don't like the Dutch that much. I do have a few friends over in Holland, but I know many of the Dutch are just weird in my opinion. This exchange student was a fucking asshole and I'm glad I kicked his ass...

DIE DUTCHY!! fire2:
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ninty is Offline
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Default 02-15-2004, 08:17 PM

Congratulations. oOo:
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Neo Nazi Hitler is Offline
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Default 02-15-2004, 08:20 PM



[quote:75014] "insults" [/quote:75014]

did he call you a pigdog, or black bird?
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MrLevinstein is Offline
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Default 02-15-2004, 08:24 PM

Thats how we do, some people on these forums dont understand the concept of getting hit, and beating the shit out of a person/country. biggrin:

Congrats on the fight, I saw a good one the other day. Went like this:

This one kid who trys to fight everyone started with this kid that you wouldnt think could hurt anyone, but he did. The kid started with the other kid that looks harmless and says "You got something to say" and he drops his bookbag off and puts the kid that started the fight ina headlock and starts whomping the shit out of him. This kid has bleach blonde hair and just looks like a kid that would never kick the piss out of anyone but he starts whailing his face when he has the kid that started the fight in the headlock.

Round 2, the kid that started the fight has a huge friend that jumped in and tackled the kid with the bleach blonde hair through a set of doors and then the kid with the bleach blonde hairs brother jumps in and we got our self a rumble. Needless to say they both got 5 days out of school suspention to think of what they did.

Suburban kids like me need kicks like these every so often, and thank god theres always a mild fight right around the corner. No Stabbings, no crushing in of skulls just good old fashioned clean asswhoppings. Weapons are for pussies anyways.
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Zap. USMC is Offline
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Default 02-15-2004, 08:32 PM

Not to mention he scratched me SEVERAL times too. My ear, hand and neck is scratched oOo: Plus he was like 50 pounds heavier then I was.

Oh and im not trying to brag or anything by telling this story I just found it funny because the kid was from Holland. I'd think exchange students should be more reserved and respectful towards others... right? This exchange student had to be the worst out of all I've ever known at my high school. He was a constant asshole to me and others during swim season... I was waiting for my time to put him in his place.

Oh and Ninty9, go fuck yourself... that exchange student kind of looked like you so I felt even better when I pounded his face in the_finger:
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ninty is Offline
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Default 02-15-2004, 08:41 PM

I'm honoured that you thought of me while your manly hands were raping an exchange student.

I feel even better that you think of people you only know on an internet forum, and are pleased when you beat someone up who looks like me. I wish I could go around town and pick out people that look like you zap, but alas, I have a life outside the forum and don't really give two hoots.

As for the fucking myself part, I'm way ahead of you on that one.
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Default 02-15-2004, 09:08 PM

Dedicated to wintersforge...

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Default 02-15-2004, 09:12 PM

at least he didn't try to paint your yoohoo gold,
you know those sick Dutch bastards biggrin:

IDK WTF is up at your school,
the exchange students at my sschool never tried shit (of course we hardly had fights at my school and the "jocks" weren't coneited apemen as they are often portrayed)
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Default 02-15-2004, 09:13 PM

LOL ninty9! pwned!

I was kidding around with a kid on my bus the other day making him look bad infront of his girlfriend, so he puts me in a headlock, I laughed then got tired of him looking good & me looking bad so i stood up with him trying to hold me in a headlock then tossed him in the seat ahead of me. Nothing better than making a kids girlfriend laugh as you throw her boyfriend over a seat. biggrin: We werent being serious or anything just playing around. Its fun to do some times when you need to let loose some anger. happy:
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Default 02-15-2004, 09:23 PM

you're mean zap.
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Default 02-15-2004, 09:45 PM

[quote="Cool Fool":5e1c0]you're mean zap.[/quote:5e1c0]

from what I understand the Dutch kid bushwhacked him,
then after getting in over his head pretended to give up and continued to fight afterwards, that's hardly honorable
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Default 02-15-2004, 09:46 PM

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Default 02-15-2004, 09:51 PM

[quote="Cpt. Zapotoski":7ad9f]Not to mention he scratched me SEVERAL times too. My ear, hand and neck is scratched oOo: Plus he was like 50 pounds heavier then I was.

Oh and im not trying to brag or anything by telling this story I just found it funny because the kid was from Holland. I'd think exchange students should be more reserved and respectful towards others... right? This exchange student had to be the worst out of all I've ever known at my high school. He was a constant asshole to me and others during swim season... I was waiting for my time to put him in his place.

Oh and Ninty9, go fuck yourself... that exchange student kind of looked like you so I felt even better when I pounded his face in the_finger:[/quote:7ad9f]

does he resemble a skinhead?
most Europeans who act like assholes are usually skinheads/neonazis/some other similar scum
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Neo Nazi Hitler is Offline
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Default 02-15-2004, 09:53 PM

Alright I'll contribute my beat the shit out of someone story.

First some background. This happened last year in 9th grade. So unfortuantly I have to take the bus with all the little smelly kids who don't know what a shower/deorderant is. My brother was also on, like a few weeks before he had a car. And one more thing, I always sleep on the bus in the morning.

Okay, so.. anyway, there's this little faggot kid in 7th grade, that weighs like the same as me, but he's like 4 inches shorter than me, he's in football and wrestling (faggot!). He would probably be the only kid 2 years younger than me that I'd actually hit... Okay, so everyone hates this kid right.. So one day I decide to bring a snowball on the bus, and sure enough he was on that day, so I throw the snowball at him, he sits kind of near the back, I get the back of So I throw this snowball at him...smacks 'em right in the face. For a visual, he was sitting next to the window, so the snow was all packed against his face and the window and stuff, lol, it was great. So like 2 days later I do it again, rofl. Than the kid was getting all pissed off and he like punched me once, this kid is relatively weak compared to me so I just brushed it off and ignored him. He was getting all pissed off of course, so he's like I'm gonna throw one at you! So I say I don't really care, but if you throw it at me while I'm sleeping I'll beat ths shit out of you.

I'm one of the first ones on the bus, so I'm asleep in like 2 minutes. His stop comes like 10 min later. Sure enough he sat across from me or something, I couldn't tell, I was asleep. I'm kind of in a stage where I'm awake and asleep and here him and some people muttering to eachother, and I am now aware he actually had a snowball. But he holds onto it for so long before he decides to throw it at me it's like almost totally melted. So than he finally throws it at me. It like hits my And I like don't even get wet. But I fucking told 'em I'd beat the shit out of him. So I fucking jolt up and just start punching him in the head, over, and over, and And write when I jolted up, my brother sitting a few seats behind me (I don't sit in the very back in the morning for some reason) did the same. He jumped up and like charged at him and just punched him really hard in the back of his While I'm still punching him repetedly. Than the bus driver didn't really do anything but I was called to the office the next day.

I talk to my dickhead vice principal basically telling him the same story I told you, but without the cursing.. rolleyes: But I left out my And my brother was called up to the office too, he didn't mention anything about repeded punches or anything, but he did say he stood up than say back down. Than like 2 min later, my brother said, "I think we're done here, bye." and the vice principal is like, "alright bye." lol.

I ended up only getting a detention out of a possible 10 day out of school. rofl. Best day

There might be something I left out but I forget.

danke zen.
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Default 02-15-2004, 10:08 PM

I threw a rock at a kid once: he fell.
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