I'm back to skinning. I was terribly mad when I had to format my harddrive which totally erased my Toeborne skinpack that I worked so hard for.(DAMN VIRUSES) Many of you have seen the skins. But now I've decided to rebuild what was fallen. Here's a quick retry of the skin and I hope to finish the whole skinpack this time. Feedback and comments. (As most of you all know "skins appear much better looking ingame")
Also I'll try and get ingame pics if someone would stay still for me >_>...
HA...man I have no experience skinning with DOD(the graphics arent that great anyways). Skinning for COD would be pointless because of "pure servers"(plus the MP sucks) and I don't have any other WW2 game that I could skin for. I don't even play MOH regulary just...mod it on my spare time.
That's not the skin but anyway, when the german moves out of that position you will see that there is no problem.