haha, all that bitched and moaned in my last post are wrong!!! Stupid asses! the data content in the full does not match the Beta. In the mission after dday, in the beat, u never use the BAR...but in full. I went to my friends house that had the warez, and the data content is diffrent, (no i dont have it im on a fucking 56k!). And in mohaa's case, the beta is was very different from the full retail. It was realyl de-bugged etc...and dont bitch to me, a few gameing sites has also reported this, and the installdir files DO NOT MATCH, along with data content, so this beta could not have been the gold, so u guys are fuckin retarted, dont bitch to me...lol n00bs, whatcha gonna go? but still, i hope all you guys had fun playing the beta