I've made a custom config, and autoexec.cfg files. Couldn't get em to work in /main/ or in /main/configs/ so they are in both right now.
If I open the console and exec my custom config, it works. If I open the console and try to exec my autoexec, it says couldn't load custom cfg file.
And it's only affecting ONE bind.
All other binds are working fine, so I have no clue. Every bind I've set through the menu from initial startup is fine. Every bind I've altered since then, is fine. The only one that's not working is my crouch bind.
I have crouch as F12 (which is my mouse4 button) and screenshot as F11 (force of habit). And crouch is always set to none on start up of the game. Now if I go it the console to see what is happening (w/o execing the config or changing the controls) both F11 and F12 are bound to screenshot, after I exec the config, F12 is crouch and F11 is screenshot.
Anyone know what's up?
Oh yea, version 1.1