The history channel proved that JFK movie was bull shit. Just O stones over the top drama.
Some facts that were disproved.
#1 Oswald was a top shot in the army or where ever he was. Stone said he wasn’t.
#2 he could easily have walk down the stairs in 90 seconds with out being winded.
#3 he could have made the walk from his house to kill the cop in 11mn. Stone said he couldn’t.
History channel did all these test to back up there claims.
The history channel proved that JFK movie was bull shit. Just O stones over the top drama.
Some facts that were disproved.
#1 Oswald was a top shot in the army or where ever he was. Stone said he wasn’t.
#2 he could easily have walk down the stairs in 90 seconds with out being winded.
#3 he could have made the walk from his house to kill the cop in 11mn. Stone said he couldn’t.
History channel did all these test to back up there claims.
And the MAGIC BULLET. Pray tell how did The History Channel disprove that one w/o breaking the laws of physics.
[quote:8283a]And the MAGIC BULLET. Pray tell how did The History Channel disprove that one w/o breaking the laws of physics.
I didn’t say it was all crap but allot of it was. I am sure there were 3 shooters and shit. I am just saying stone exaggerated the facts.
But about the magic bullet they did prove it. Something about the front seat was higher than they thought and the angles they sat at made it all line up. I don’t buy it but they said it.
[quote:a4a47]But about the magic bullet they did prove it. Something about the front seat was higher than they thought and the angles they sat at made it all line up. I don’t buy it but they said it.[/quote:a4a47]
I wonder, do you even read some of the stuff you type out before you post - or does it all make sense to just you. On one hand you say you recognize there was more than one shooter, but on the other you say THC "proved" that a bullet can stop in mid air and change directions more than once without influence of an outside force (richochet).
You need to gimme the physics book that you've read from.
Do you read what i said. i said they said they proved it but I did not buy it. read the whole thing please. by me saying i dont but it means i dont believe it. any thing else i can veryify for you?
[quote:0f7cc]But about the magic bullet they did prove it. Something about the front seat was higher than they thought and the angles they sat at made it all line up. I don’t buy it but they said it. [/quote:0f7cc]
[quote:0f7cc]I don’t buy it but they said it[/quote:0f7cc]
you see that part? maybe your not Ed because he was somewhat smart.
my bad I should have said they said they proved it.
So in the JFK video when he is shot, where is the shooter? Behind the camera? or infront or right or left? By the look of the exit wound he would have had to be to the left infront.
TGB, to be fair. The magic bullet theory is bullshit.
Supposedly, that dude infront of him, the seat WAS a little more to the right than JFK was sitting. and when the first shot rang out (missing everyone) The dude in front moved looking around when the shot that went through JFKs neck, that dudes hand and shit. They put a line through all the holes in some 3d shit and it went straight back to the window. IMO, there was only one shooter. Oswald
So in the JFK video when he is shot, where is the shooter? Behind the camera? or infront or right or left? By the look of the exit wound he would have had to be to the left infront.
He was shot in the back side of the head. It would be impossible for the bullet to be from infront of him. Unless there was 2345934 mph winds.
Three bullets. One that blew the Presidents brains out. One that missed injuring Jim Tague, and ONE BULLET that caused multiple wounds to JFK and Dallas govenor Connolly. In 5.6 seconds. That was found in almost perfect condition. After travelling through bone and flesh. Thats one HELL of a bullet.
The shot to the neck was an "entry" wound. Which means it came from in front of the president.
JFK was shot in the front of the neck, you can see him grab his throat, then he was hit in the back of the head. Thats at least two shooters. I dont believe in that magic bullet bullshit, I think it was a group and it is a conspiracy.