hey i was wondering if there was or someone could make this, when you shoot it will have one color tracer and the next tracer that comes out is a different collor and so on and so on. you know what i mean.!
I have a red tracer mod that works good on Spearhead servers if tracers are enabled and it is client side. It was made from one I found somewhere and all I did was change the color to red. I have no idea how to make one with random colors but it's a great idea hope someone figures it out.
i think to make it u need to model the bullets. idk ive been lookin for one for mohaa if any1 has a good one thatd be kool and could u send it to me? thnx
i just reinstalled ps7 so im gonna start makin skins and stuff again, ill try makin the tracers through ps7. if i cant do it then ill try and model it if i can get my hands on a lr3d patch. if some1 could make tracers for mohaa plz give them to me!! sry i cant help jackson