Can I turn off the constantly scrolling screen data? -
06-19-2004, 11:02 PM
Hi gang, long time player, first time poster.....
Here's something that's been bugging me when I play on Gamespy, and it's gotten real anoying...Hopefully it isn't a Gamespy thing - Let me explain.
Is there a way to stop the constantly scrolling team speak/chat, and the who got shot/where during freeze tag mode, and who's in jail during liberation?
Also there is other game stats that show up, and it's making seeing anything IMPOSSIBLE!
Is there a way to turn some, if not all of it off, or am I stuck with this because of Gamespy?
I hope someone can help, even if the answer is no.....Then I guess I can get on with learning how to live with it!
If your computer can tolerate it, reset your resolution to atleast 800x600 to shrink the text enough so it is no longer annoying.
Yeah 800x600 minimum. Also, if you haven't already done so, bring down the console and type "ui_hud 0" (without the " ") to get rid of the ammo and health meters. Change the 0 to a 1 to bring it back.