Shooting thru solid objects,scripted in stock map. -
06-20-2004, 04:33 AM
I have barbed wire scripted in a level.Its solid but I cant shoot thru it with pistols or shotgun.All the other guns work....I dont get it.I want it so i cant walk thru it but that I can shoot thru it.After all its just wire.
No , I dont want it to be immune.I want it to be shot thru by all weapons.I thought by just leaving it solid without any immune or no damage properties should be enough.... but something is missing.
No , I dont want it to be immune.I want it to be shot thru by all weapons.I thought by just leaving it solid without any immune or no damage properties should be enough.... but something is missing.
Thats why he asked if you had added immune properties to the entity. rolleyes:
There is no reason why the Pistol or Shotgun would have a problem. I skimmed through their vars and they match the rest of the weapons. It might be the way you are setting it up in the script. Paste your code into the thread and I'll have a look at it.