I'm trying to access the file so that I can create an avatar. When I try to open the file, the "open" window closes and nothing opens up in return. I tried to reinstall the program, but it didn't help. What can I do?
Hmm... only the stock paks (0 through 6) of MoH:AA won't open, yet the ones in Spearhead and Breakthrough do. Also, the custom skins open. I really should reinstall MoH:AA, eh? rolleyes: rolleyes:
Before you do this, what does it say when you try to open them? Post a screenshot.
They're probally not corrupt. He just needs to assign them to a program like winrar. Download Winrar, it's awesome. Then go in main and right click on the 1 of the .pak files. Go to properties. And where it says, 'Open's with', hit change. Find Winrar and hit apply. Now try and if that doesnt work then you did something wrong.