I don't think anyone else made a thread about this yet.. but, what are you guys gonna be. Don't bother posting if it's something stupid, like harry potter or your mom.
I'm being a droog, from A clockwork orange. I'll post a picture later.
Last year I went to a house party with a bunch of friends and we all went as the Russian Gymnasics team. We dyed the T shirts, but they came out pink instead of red because there wasn't enough dye, so then we became the Gay Russian Gymnastics team.
Year before that I went as a trucker. Year before a group of us went as people from survivor. We had an immunity idol and everything. We went on a walk outside and in my drunkeness i dropped it and it broke. I picked up the pieces and went and sat on the steps of a church to ask god for forgiveness. I went home at like 3 and puked everywhere. True story.
This year i;m going on a pub crawl. I don't have a costume yet and it's on saturday, so i'm gonna have to come up with something quick.