A quick question regarding nationalities -
11-29-2004, 07:37 PM
I'm considering buying PA, but i was curious; In this one, do any other allied nations aside from the US rate a mention? The only reason i ask is that my fellow Australians had a fair bit to do in the pacific, and i'd be stoked if they were in there somewhere rock:
I have heard more good things that bad
The only problem about mohpa is the fucked up AI and...The jungle.
If somebody makes a Mp map that takes place in a french village or something this game would definitely rock.
Re: A quick question regarding nationalities -
12-03-2004, 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by Wilko
I'm considering buying PA, but i was curious; In this one, do any other allied nations aside from the US rate a mention? The only reason i ask is that my fellow Australians had a fair bit to do in the pacific, and i'd be stoked if they were in there somewhere rock: