As it has been said already you'll never get great teamwork on a public server.
One other thing though... Covering fire on a map like The Hunt would be fairly pointless. Especially if you're using it to try to suppress Axis snipers.
Well, the whole reason covering fire is used in real battle is because you are scared for your life. If you're an Axis soldier crouched in a window with a sniper rifle and all of a sudden bullets start pinging about the frame you'll put your head down for fear of being killed.
In a game, you don't get that fear at all, as if you get unlucky and get hit in the head you can just get up and start again next round.
Covering fire will only work when the enemy is in fear of getting hit. In a game that will be very rare.
In a clan match though you're sure to be more careful as you don't want to let the team down. Plus in clan games you'll have less gun-ho soloists (myself included) and much more tactics.
Public servers are fun in a way, but I'm certain they won't equal the fun you'll get from competetive matches.