Originally Posted by geRV
Opinions on the expansion? Imo its the best expansion ive played since cod:united offensive. Does everything right, adds more enemies, new weapons, lets you fight more enemies at once (one of the major doom 3 gripes) upped the character detail (faces look better). And the double boomstick just brings back memories of doom 2 back in the day, i even prefer the grabber to the hl2 gravity gun, it just kinda feels better to me in the way it holds things. In hl2 objects almost seem bolted to the end of the grav gun, roe just has a better feel with the object swaying around.
I love the expansion. The grabber completely changes the type of game play. Every aspect of the exp is a level above Doom 3 and closer to the roots of the original Dooms. The first 10 minutes of the game have a stronger storyline than the entire Doom 3. It's nice that it isn't as dark, but still has a dark atmosphere. It seems there are less pop-out scares (and when stuff falls on the floor but nothing happens) which is a good thing, IMO. The only complaint I have is that too often I'm scavaging around for an engery cell to power something else to continue on.
As for the grabber vs grav gun, I still prefer the grav gun in terms of usefulness. The grabber is cool that you can grab smaller enemy and fireballs and stuff, but for actually throwing stuff at enemies, but there usually isn't a whole lot around when you need it - marine zombies. I like both of them very much though.