ive had 2 drawing classes and 2 painting. that is my first time with colored pencil. pretty difficult medium. ive also just done a couple of watercolor ... one black n white the other color. both meduims are very fun and challenging. ill soon be doing my first pastel portrait.
i feel ok about it ... not too bad for a first time i dont think. realism is always very challenging for me since im a perfectcionist. with this one i was out of time or i wouldve probably given it another try. that was my 5th attempt at it.
yea i have a lot of trouble with realism. The only mediums ive worked with are graphite, charcoal, conte, and pen and ink. When i first started i hated anything but graphite. Now i stick with charcoal and conte. If you could, post some potraits. I like to see how others draw people and compare it with mine. Ill try posting some of my stuff tomorrow maybe.