ITT: we post our monthly bills -
02-27-2006, 05:18 PM
lets see here
pretty much $80 cell phone bill every month because Bell is fucking gay
$50 for Internets
automatic withdrawl $35 for the gym I go to
$260 for auto insurance
$250 for Car payments
about $80 on gas (full tank) ( $40 every two weeks )
and about $30 a week on food for the house because I dont like being a free loader
$265 a month for insurance/
$88 a month for blackberry
$50 a month for gas
~$200 a month on groceries for my parents.
$10 a month for the gym that i never go to
Thats about it now for the stuff i have to pay every month. i usually give my parents maybe another $200 for rent, spending money or to take them out to eat.
This month i had to pay for tuition so, scratch $1200 for 6 units, books and other fees.
My monthly payments were cut when i paid my car off last summer. since then, ive been dropping $300 or $400 a month on my credit card to pay it off. im pretty much even now, so whatever i dont spend, i get to save - good thing i will prollly be out of a job next month oOo: aint that always the way?
Rent $670
Truck Payment $200(only 2 more payments rock: )
Insurance for both cars $300
Cable Bill + Internet $73
Heat and Electric $120
CellPhones $110
Credit Cards $200 (owe around $6600)
School Loans $100 (owe around 15k)
Netflix $32
Gas $200 a month for 2 vehicles
Groceries $200
=$2205 a month
"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans." - The Joker
I pay:
$10 a month on the cell phone
around $50 every week and a half for gas
thats about it. Iv just got out of school (im part time now) so iv gone from about 6-10 hours a week up to 20-30 which is awsome and I can finish paying off the credit card and actully have some spending money.
2400.00 morgage/insurance/taxes
450.00 car payment
130.00 cable/includes internet
70.00 phone
250.00 electric
40.00 water/trash
300.00/ mis. credit cards
185.00 car insurance
200.00 gas for 98 jeep wrangler and 05 ford explorer
400.00 mo./ food
100.00 cell phones