Nonsense to you, Cerebral Killerl did you ever think to go to battle in a war with yar 8-gauge rifle?
I wanted to see if are more people disgusted by some lame folks(not all of them, anyway) that somehow spoil the feeling of the game.
I reckon that single is much more fun than MP sometimes, 'cuz germans don't try to hit you with a panzer schreck , or worse try to jam the shotgun up ur mouth.
Just play "Stalingrad" with more than 8 people and see if you like to get blown away in those buildings.
"Gee, there's a weapon firing at the 2nd story! Why don't i get lame and fire up a bazooka round in there! yeah!!!"
[fssssssss....... boom!!!]
result: two fellas battling in a fair play on on one with garand, mauser, mp-40, BAR or whatever get blown away by a fegging chicken too lame to get there and look them in the eyes before pressing the trigger.
I have nothing against the weapons, as long as the bazooka/panzer schreck get their personnel damage diminuished and the shotgun a bigger spread radius.
Now what do you say about that?
Angrif! Angrif!
Achtung! Scharfschutzer!
Zu decken! Angrif!...