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Reload this Page Rockets and shotguns ruin the MP games... :/
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StosstruppenKompanie is Offline
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Default 02-20-2002, 04:09 AM

Hell, is this another Half Life game, or a WWII game? I'm just sick and tired of shotgunners and bazookers, this is somehow ruining the WWII feel, don't ya think?

Get a M1 Garand already, or a KAR 98k, or.. whatever...

Angrif! Angrif!
Achtung! Scharfschutzer!
Zu decken! Angrif!...
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d3rwh33z!3024 is Offline
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Default 02-20-2002, 04:26 AM

I agree wit ya dog. But what are ya gonna do? You can complain about it and get shot by a shotty or you can either 1. Change tactics, or 2. play on a server running a realism mod. I dont play on the internet but I have a 5 computer network at home and play atleast 2 hours a night with my roomates. I was getting frustrated like you with the damn Shotty/rocket/snipers It just seemed in some situations these weapons made the game not fun. So I bitched and complained and got the wrath from my sniper/ shotty loving roomates. So I finally downloaded the CKR mod and now our battles are alot more "realistic" it pit the fun back into the game, now instead of hiding with a sniper, or shotty spamming we actually have tactical battles. Hope this helps ya.
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Default 02-20-2002, 04:31 AM

Yes. Go get on a "REALISM SERVER" where the MACHINE GUN is more accurate than a SNIPER rifle, and folks only carry around 3 grenades despite evidence this wasnt REALLY the case.

YES go do that and stop posting here with that nonsense.

Jesus - first it was zookas, then nades.

Now people are complaining about the FUQQIN SHOTGUN!!!

A lack of MOD support wont kill this game - whiners forcing "realism mods" will.

shalom my dong
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Sgt. J Beahon is Offline
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Default 02-20-2002, 04:36 AM

There needs to be limits to these classes. Its just getting out of hand when you have 5 bazookas firing down on you. Come on, this isn't how the war was. I want to have a sniper or two and a bazooka if there is a need for one. Not just because a bazooka is in the game. Maybe someday the'll get it right.

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Default 02-20-2002, 04:38 AM

shotguns arent that bad because hey actually take skill-but rockets are lame
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d3rwh33z!3024 is Offline
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Default 02-20-2002, 04:47 AM

Hey cerebral I think you need a fat doob < ))))))))> cuz you are all worked up about nothin. I simply posted my opinion about the game and I guess I was wrong because it is obvious that you are the big dick around here. lol. nobody is forcing you to play on tha realism servers and if you think we are then you need to stop smokin crack cuz you are gettin paranoid. When I go to your house and put a 9mm to your head and say "Play ona CKR server or there is gonna be grey matter all over your monitor" then complain about people forcing mods but untill then dont post things just to show that you are a bad ass and you got a bad attitude. If I was a 13yr old spammer I might have thought you had a point but I grew up and we dont need you whining about whiners.

Im goin sniper huntin 2day............where is my KAR98K,
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StosstruppenKompanie is Offline
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Default 02-20-2002, 04:50 AM

Nonsense to you, Cerebral Killerl did you ever think to go to battle in a war with yar 8-gauge rifle?
I wanted to see if are more people disgusted by some lame folks(not all of them, anyway) that somehow spoil the feeling of the game.
I reckon that single is much more fun than MP sometimes, 'cuz germans don't try to hit you with a panzer schreck , or worse try to jam the shotgun up ur mouth.
Just play "Stalingrad" with more than 8 people and see if you like to get blown away in those buildings.
"Gee, there's a weapon firing at the 2nd story! Why don't i get lame and fire up a bazooka round in there! yeah!!!"
[fssssssss....... boom!!!]
result: two fellas battling in a fair play on on one with garand, mauser, mp-40, BAR or whatever get blown away by a fegging chicken too lame to get there and look them in the eyes before pressing the trigger.
I have nothing against the weapons, as long as the bazooka/panzer schreck get their personnel damage diminuished and the shotgun a bigger spread radius.
Now what do you say about that?

Angrif! Angrif!
Achtung! Scharfschutzer!
Zu decken! Angrif!...
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Low spark is Offline
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Default 02-20-2002, 04:51 AM

Unfortunatly rockets are part of the game. The seem to be highly inaccurate at long range, and incredibly stupid at close range(blow your self up). I was hoping in this game people would play with a little style(not running at each other with guns blazing). But I guess I forgot it's just a game.
So I try to do my best against whatever weapon I am facing.
BTW I'm usally one of those SNIPER-WHORES(only on axis though)

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Default 02-20-2002, 04:53 AM

It's funny. KIDS toss around the "hey guy chill" line whenever someone posts a reply as "passionate" as their own. Sad, but still funny.

Bottom line FLAPJACK is this, you're WHINING about a function in the game, and then trying to lambast someone for doing what you percieve is the same. Hypocrite much? I could've been with you on the whole ZOOKA-WARS, but then to try and bring "shotguns" into the mix.

Damn. That's a little weak. Are we pissed because a shotty-man runs up on you and pumps you full of buckshot before you can take that well lined up shot? Ahhh. Well maybe next time CRANNBERRY.

Anyway, I expect this reply to be dismissed as more "spamming" and or "flamming" since it doesn't agree with your post. Although I'm sure there are more than a few posters here who are willing to share your skewwed view of this game.

And certainly calling someone a "dick" is more than indicative of a mature poster eh.

Happy "sniping".

mazel my tov
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StosstruppenKompanie is Offline
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Default 02-20-2002, 04:57 AM

you're missing the whole point! But who cares.... as long as the majority is against you?

Topic closed, at least on my behalf!

Cerebral, go get ureself a Half Life game and practice ure rocket launcher.
It's funny you'd think that the war was something like that, shotguns and rockets flying around like swarms of mosquitoes in a hot summer day... leave it. I have nothjing to say anymore. Guys like you just make the game developers do things like this
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SS_Adlertag is Offline
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Default 02-20-2002, 05:10 AM

I agree with you on the rocket fags aspect, but IMO the shotgun is a legit weapon in this game,and although I almost never use it I just wish it had been modeled correcly with a larger bullet spread pattern.

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Shoegaze99 is Offline
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Default 02-20-2002, 05:39 AM

Irony, thy name is d3rwh33z!3024
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Default 02-20-2002, 05:52 AM

Shotgun has more pellets in it than at the time period, shouldnt be as strong. I have somehow been killed bu shotgun from that middle building in Stalingrad down to the concrete MG think that is real, one shot!!! I am not looking for the game to be that real, limitations would work...I joined a server yesterday where all the axis were shotguns, they where just wasting everyone. Shotgun, the way it is now is just as bad and takes about as much skill to operate as a rocket. Hardest weapon to operate in game...SMG/Mauser cause it has a spread and mauser cause of the one shot then reload.....Rocket/Sniper/Shotty, in same category as I am concerned....TOO DAMN MANY.
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Sniper 4 Life is Offline
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Default 02-20-2002, 06:14 AM

i agree they suck big ass
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sgtwolf is Offline
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Default 02-20-2002, 07:48 AM

I don't mind shotguns as whoever uses them are easy to kill, but I HATE people who use rockets launchers. Like, where are the tanks! I alway find people who use them are just trying to make up for a lack of skill.

Plus those dam rockets lag down the server. Of course it's not as bad as someone with a 56k joining, but still annoying.

Ok..who's next on the soapbox?

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