I agree with your first 2 points, definitely. Good ideas, but sadly unlikely to be implimented by 2015.
As for the grenades having the timer tick down once you pull the pin... This should only be used for the Axis grenades as that's how they work in real life. Ally grenades' detonators can be suppressed until the catch is released.
They should have made the two grenades different to add variety. Axis grenades can be thrown further, but you can't hold them too long or they blow up in your hand (requiring more co-ordination when throwing them) whereas Ally grenades can't be thrown so far but you can choose when to release the catch at any time (thus giving you more control on where/when to throw).
As for friendly fire... Why on earth did 2015 neglect to impliment an option for TK bans or kicks from the off? You should be allowed one TK in a game/round, but each and every one thereafter should result in a round ban (round based) or a sin-bin style ban (30 seconds or so) for TDM.
If a TKer reaches a server-defined limit of TKs then they can be auto kicked.
Classes... Medics aren't supposed to be armed so I very much doubt you'll ever see someone play them on public servers...
I'd love to see them for clan matches, though.
I really just think that the medic-packs that drop when someone dies are a little over-the-top. 50% health is too much and could be reduced a little, or removed entirely.
This should be a server-defined option that can be changed by the admin of the server:
Medi packs OFF|10%|25%|50%|75%|100% if you see what I mean.
I don't think the game really needs classes, though.
Agreed there should be a server retry system in the in-game browser, but I don't particularly care as I use ASE anyway.
You are right about the lack of imagination in the objective maps, though. Dead right. Omaha is deathmatch and needs to have respawns removed entirely, along with the bunker improvements you mentioned.
All 4 maps involve blowing up cannons. Poor.
They should have at least created examples of Assasinate/Escort missions, Infiltrate/Exfiltrate missions and perhaps obtain and protect missions. Even if they were crap and rushed, at least we could have had something different to do.
The mod community will correct this eventually, but I hope 2015 get to it first as the 4 maps they have designed already are of a high quality level design (if a little dull on the objectives).
I don't care about weapon mods and realism mods; it isn't my thing. I will try CKR sometime just to see if it's any good, but I am a fan of mastering the game as is, rather than as others want.
These mods are all good for the community, though, as it gives variety to it.
MoH is a quality game and very fun. I am more excited by the promise of what clan matches will bring to it, rather than the game on public servers, which will die very fast if the community doesn't support it.