So I had my college orientation this past sunday and monday at James Madison University. I needed a laptop since my laptop is too old and I dont want to lug around my desktop. So my dad and I were in the bookstore looking at laptops, and I finally came to the I want a Dell or a Mac? I've always liked the looks of macs, especially the laptops. I really dont like Dells unless they are the XPS series, and these definitely werent. My dad is a really educated guy who knows a lot about computers, unlike most of my friends' dads, and his computer knowledge was passed onto me through my life... so he let me choose whichever I wanted, and the price didnt really matter...So I chose a Macbook pro. Here's the specs...
15.4 inch screen
2.16 ghz
2 gigs RAM
100 gig hard drive
ati radeon x1600 256mb card
So, Im excited to get it in the mail and start getting used to the feel of a mac. I know a lot of things (games mostly) are compatible with macs these days, and if not i can get a windows emulator or even put windows on the mac. So, opinions? comments? Am I going to regret the decision? Keep in mind this is a college laptop, which means I will use it mostly to do schoolwork or procrastinate schoolwork with AIM and facebook.
Ever since they introduced those, i've been heavily considering getting a mac myself since it seems the major gaps between Macs and PCs are starting to get closed.
you should have never bought it from the bookstore dude. They tend to rip you off with computers and tech support...One general rule about college, or at least JMU is try to avoid buying anything at the bookstore, you can almost always find it somewhere else for a lot cheaper. Also, I'm not sure you're gonna be able to play with a laptop...
^^ maybe not true. apple probably has something worked out with the uni. i know for certain you can get educational discounts if you buy thru apple ( which dont amount to too much , but is still something ). macs are already pretty expensive. if the bookstore hicked them up anymore theres no way in hell theyd sell them because people would just go to buy instead.
: youre gonna be good with games since the macbooks run windows and windows programs ( windows games ).