MoH General Discussion General Discussion about Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, expansions and Pacific Assault |
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02-22-2002, 01:19 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sotilas Jane:
Nice sig, takes only hour to scroll thru.
LOL!!! My thoughts exactly!
However, it was a nice review Zero. Pretty accurate, too. Oh well....
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moe Cizlak:
ACGreen, you are the best poster here. You never fail to make me laugh. Will you marry me? Just kidding, keep up the smart-ass comments, they don't go unappreciated.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I whish more people had a sense of humor like Moe Cizlak and myself. Two happy-go-lucky guys just out there for the chicks... Erm... Well I don't know about Moe, but it's all good.
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02-22-2002, 01:33 AM
I agree with you....but I don't play the SP...have not yet.
The MP in my opinion lacks depth. We need the SDK pronto or we will lose allot of people in this game. The map layouts are retarded for the most part shoving the Allies into choke points that are usually within a few steps of an Axis spawn point.
This however will be corrected when the SDK comes out and I will be surprised to see anyone still using the standard maps. They are fun on the surface but they lack the design thought on strategic placements, this point rears it's ugly head and destroys game play after playing for a while.
And gotta love the shotgun before the realism patch...if that was an accurate account of the shotty we would have given it to all our soldiers.
We still need to nerf the sniper rifle with a bobble...and then I see it getting better. Will discourage camping and encourage team play.
Still a great game....but it could use some help.
"Listen up you stinking maggots. It seems you just don't get it. Well, I've been appointed to inform ya', your days are numbered. You would cry, you would scream if you knew half the things I've seen. Please please just do as I say. Repent and leave your evil ways." - Clutch
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02-22-2002, 06:41 AM
I could not read more than a few lines of your review because your writing skills are so poor. Even the basic stuff, like your failure to differentiate between "your" and "you're," was on the level of an elementary school child. Your spelling, grammar and use of punctuation were all atrocious; your sentence structure even worse. And the "Net-speak" only managed to make you look illiterate.
Frankly, Zero, were you to give me something of this caliber, I would fire you. Were I a teacher and this review your homework, I would fail you. What you produced, no matter your intentions, was horrible. I cannot speak for the *content*, mind you, because the presentation was so awful I could not bear myself to read any more than necessary. And that is why you failed. You had an opinion to express, yet it would take a mind as rotted as your own to absorb your message, because no *educated* person would tolerate the manner in which you expressed yourself.
Please, do not attempt to become a writer. Do not presume you have any skills at presenting an opinion or disseminating information. Do not assume you can represent intellect through the written word. You may be able to create fake blood on a computer screen - I am sure your parents are proud (and yes, your mod work was actually very good, though the preceding line was sarcastic in nature) - but you most certainly cannot make a persuasive argument via text.
That's my review or your review.
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02-22-2002, 06:44 AM
[ZeRo]...what programe do you use to make your mods??

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02-22-2002, 08:39 AM
Okay, Dont get me wrong , I love MOHAA but I'm sick of people praising it up so much so here we go.
Medal of Honor: allied assault was a much awaited game for all us avid gamers (especially for those who strived to get the demo b4 the release, which was a hard task) Only this game could have you playing the same demo level for three months , day in day out. The feeling you got when you played this game was unlike no other!. But then the game hit the shelves and we got to see what other marvels it had in store for us all. Then it went to hell. Apart from being occasionally impressed with some explosion or such, It was a very average game. Every last level you were stuck to taking a very narrow path with next to no freedom, The scripted scenes caused bugs when they werent triggered in the right place and the mg42 parts made me flash-back to serious sam with hoards of enemys just appearing and appearing. The AI which was nothing short of the terminator's highly skilled cousin, dont get me wrong I hate games where the enemys need some contacts and spent more time shooting the walls than you but the germans were just that little bit too skilled, like those uber-snipers that can see you through vast amounts of shrubbery and trees. The guards that no matter how well your hidden know where you are once you were spotted 5 mins earlier in another part of the level.The fact that you cant save your men no matter what you do sometimes is poor, and the one's you can save have as much life as a fruit-fly.Now on to a subject that has many people raging! gore. Despite many blood mods (inc: the best one: [zerO]Cool's Ultimate Blood Mod) the lack of gore in the game is pityful! a quote from EA :
"The Germans wore several layers of clothing so you didnt see much gore"
WHAT?!? r u kidding EA? If you do some research you'll find that little puffs of white powder didnt shoot out of them! there was a lot of gore in the war ALOT! and its not like we are psychos or anything but that brings the realism down 200 notches. And the main let down was, at the last level when everything was blowing up , most people only felt like they were only half way through the game, I did anyway. accompianied by the 'The End' I can say I was far from wow-ed!. Now graphically I cant really fault the game, but I'll try  the clipping is really bad, theres nothing worse when your hiding around the corner from the people on multi-player just to be comprimised by the gun poking through the wall, and the muzzle flashes and grenade flashes that can be seen on the other side of a wall instead of just the side your on. The detonator drivers for nivida cards on windows XP r terrible, leave you looking at moving stripes on some of the walls and textures. And OH THE THINGS WE WERE PROMISED! I can say I was mightly disappointed at the MOH official website in the features section (it still states this today) and I quote:
"Access to over 21 historically accurate World War II era weapons, including Thompson submachine guns, Mark II Frag Grenades, .50 al mounted machine guns, flame-throwers, and "sticky bombs"."
flame-throwers and sticky bombs?!?!? I'm sure I didnt play the game with my eyes closed and I didnt see any flame-throwers or sticky-bombs , though i can tell you how much I was looking foreward to them! Now EA says these will be released in further additions to MOH, so is that what it boils down to? another HL type game where you spend £20 a month getting the latest add-on! poor, poor show by EA. Now to multiplayer, now that all the cheaters have been pretty much taken care of multiplayer was also a dissapointment, with too few levels and none of them very open (apart from Omaha which hasnt got the scale of the SP level) many people r already bored of the multiplayer aspect. And not many servers use the 'realism' mods so u end up having to pump a full mag into someone b4 they die!
CONCLUSION: okay people you can now rip me to shreds but I'll say again , I love Medal of honor! Its the best game ever to be released! I just thought it needed a critical review!

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02-22-2002, 08:49 AM
Blaa, blaa, blaa blaa, blaaa
Zero someone was looking for you. Look at some past posts.
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02-22-2002, 09:09 AM
Nice sig, takes only hour to scroll thru.
A very wise man once said: "Kylmä Karhu kourassa elämä vaan aina tuntuu paremmalta."

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02-22-2002, 09:10 AM
I agree with many of your points. No game is without its strengths or weaknesses.
As for single player: I don't play it much, i liked ID softwares idea to base quake3 around multiplayer, because single player has many problems for me in every game i play, MOH included. Most games restrict you to a narrow path in SP, MOH does too. Most games make the enemy AI superhuman on hard, MOH does too. That is why i play multi where you can move wherever you want however fast you want, and can find players using cool tactics and strategies to counter yours.
SP is very scripted and has a narrow path and enemy AI will always be miles and miles away from human I, but this is what i find in almost every SP game that is why i don't play SP much.
As for computer players seeing through bushes, at least there are bushes at all, neither quake or RTCW has bushes, and the bushes work well in MOH Multiplayer.
MOH also has sneak which is very cool in multi.
As you can see i think the multi is very good, making MOH my fav. game of the moment. The best way to play for me is multiplayer on a map other than omaha with about 8 players and then try different game types like that to see what you like best. Also i play unmodded because snipes, rockets, and shotguns are already all one shot kills so I don't see the need to turn up damage on the weapons. This way i have not become bored with multi.
[This message has been edited by lysis (edited February 22, 2002).]
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02-22-2002, 09:17 AM
was it that dustin guy looking for me? he's like a stalker! and dustin if you read this m8, I'm busy working on version 3.0 of my mod so you'll have to wait m8
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02-22-2002, 09:17 AM
i agree with spineharvester when he says that its a great game but could use some help... the obj maps are becoming a frag fest rather then what they should be, strategic, teambased maps, more and more often i find myself being pissed over the lack of teamplay and moving on to a dm server because its becoming more fun, hopefully class systems, real objectives (not just blow this blow that), and some modification will help this game, it has great potential, and i would love to see some total conversion mods that make the game more teambased

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02-22-2002, 09:37 AM
Powered by the Quake® III engine Development on Medal of Honor: Allied Assault started over a year ago. Oklahoma-based 2015, which had previously worked on the add-on Wages of Sin, was contracted by Electronic Arts to put together a small demonstration of the proposed game using the Quake III engine.
Two weeks later, the team of designers and programmers had created a prototype level of a devastated French town that was populated by a handful of Nazi soldiers. Although rough, the demonstration showed off not only the power of the Quake III technology, but it showcased the talent of the team at 2015 as well. Electronic Arts was sold, and Medal of Honor: Allied Assault was born.
Key Features
Over 20 levels that the player must accomplish specific objectives and goals in order to succeed and advance.
Fully realized 3-D worlds utilizing the powerful Quake® III engine.
Over 1000 unique character animations for unsurpassed level of realism.
Multiple online options including team combat and traditional last man standing modes.
Encounters with 22 different enemies including Wehrmacht Snipers, Kradschützen Motorcycle Troops, and Gestapo Officers.
Access to over 21 historically accurate World War II era weapons, including Thompson submachine guns, Mark II Frag Grenades, .50 al mounted machine guns, flame-throwers, and "sticky bombs".
Four different stationary weapons that the player can use against the enemy.
All new interactive vehicles including the M4 Sherman tank and the M3 Half Track.
More than 18 enemy vehicles including the Tiger Mark I Heavy Tank, Stuka Dive Bombers, and V2 Rockets.
Weather and time-of-day effects.
Assault enemy units alone and as part of a crack military squad.
Special 'disguise' mode that allows players to put on enemy uniforms to evade capture.
Highly destructible interactive environments.
Original orchestral score by Medal of Honor composer Michael Giacchino.
Sound effects by the award winning Medal of Honor sound design team at EALA.
© 2001 Electronic Arts Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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I cant believe this shit they havent deleted this stuff on their website. Maybe we can sue them?
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02-22-2002, 09:40 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shoegaze99:
I could not read more than a few lines of your review because your writing skills are so poor. Even the basic stuff, like your failure to differentiate between "your" and "you're," was on the level of an elementary school child. Your spelling, grammar and use of punctuation were all atrocious; your sentence structure even worse. And the "Net-speak" only managed to make you look illiterate.
Frankly, Zero, were you to give me something of this caliber, I would fire you. Were I a teacher and this review your homework, I would fail you. What you produced, no matter your intentions, was horrible. I cannot speak for the *content*, mind you, because the presentation was so awful I could not bear myself to read any more than necessary. And that is why you failed. You had an opinion to express, yet it would take a mind as rotted as your own to absorb your message, because no *educated* person would tolerate the manner in which you expressed yourself.
Please, do not attempt to become a writer. Do not presume you have any skills at presenting an opinion or disseminating information. Do not assume you can represent intellect through the written word. You may be able to create fake blood on a computer screen - I am sure your parents are proud (and yes, your mod work was actually very good, though the preceding line was sarcastic in nature) - but you most certainly cannot make a persuasive argument via text.
That's my review or your review.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
man..what a stuck up ....This is a forum for a GAME, a f*king GAME...not a damn university. instead of attacking Zero on a personal level, why dont you adress the topic of the thread.
and since u like dissing ppl on the net with petty personal attacks, heres something for u. ur probably such a loser in real life that you have to go on the net and diss ppl on technical stuff like grammar. I bet it makes u feel real big huh... it probably help u with the depression n all...
btw as u can tell , i dont care about my grammar on this forum...because it does not matter.
dont bother replying, cuz to me u dont exist,therefore whatever u have to say does not matter to me.
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02-22-2002, 09:48 AM
[zErO]Cool, I agree 100%
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02-22-2002, 10:50 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shoegaze99:
I could not read more than a few lines of your review because your writing skills are so poor. Even the basic stuff, like your failure to differentiate between "your" and "you're," was on the level of an elementary school child. Your spelling, grammar and use of punctuation were all atrocious; your sentence structure even worse. And the "Net-speak" only managed to make you look illiterate.
Frankly, Zero, were you to give me something of this caliber, I would fire you. Were I a teacher and this review your homework, I would fail you. What you produced, no matter your intentions, was horrible. I cannot speak for the *content*, mind you, because the presentation was so awful I could not bear myself to read any more than necessary. And that is why you failed. You had an opinion to express, yet it would take a mind as rotted as your own to absorb your message, because no *educated* person would tolerate the manner in which you expressed yourself.
Please, do not attempt to become a writer. Do not presume you have any skills at presenting an opinion or disseminating information. Do not assume you can represent intellect through the written word. You may be able to create fake blood on a computer screen - I am sure your parents are proud (and yes, your mod work was actually very good, though the preceding line was sarcastic in nature) - but you most certainly cannot make a persuasive argument via text.
That's my review or your review.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Who really gives a flying turd ??
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02-23-2002, 02:21 AM
cheers dEtRiMeNtAl, need you and I say more? why doesnt 'one' go play polo? why doesnt 'one' kiss 'ones' ass, while he's at it. CAUSE of PEEPS like U shoegaze, wE caN ReBel aNd do AN  SpelL HoweVer We BLUMMIN' well Want tO. Tell you what M8! why don't you get a life? you really must have neither a mental or physical relationship , if youve got time to quiz others about grammar! JEEZ, Its just dawned on me what a sad little man you are shoegaze, bless you.
Btw I was taking the piss with the grammar here, try not to have a stroke m8!

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