flame Throwers (MABEY)
sticky Bombs
new guns for sure
new countries to play with
new models (canada, britian, russia, japan)
new multiplayer modes
new single player missions NO BUGS!
Better hidng spots for snipers!! cuase in most levels the sniper spots are right in the open so you get one kill in and your gone! there should be spots that are hard for the enemy to find you in!
"Some Men are Born to Be Heros!"
all the same you listed and new mp maps, class systems (medic, lt, engineer, tank commander ) among the new guns i would like to see sten, nagant, ppsh, jap standard (dunno name), jap smg, and russian and jap grenades
2. More hiding places
3. flamethrower, m1 carbine, explosive, drivable MP tanks, halftracks and other vehicules.
4. more MP features, sur as huge maps ( battlefield 1942), wide open spaces with lots of vegetation, trench warfare, and CAPTURE THE FLAG in big town maps, where you can enter ALMOST EVERY BUILDING.
3. Deployable .30's and .50's for the allies and deployable MG42, and MG34 for the axis.
4. REALISM !!!! that comes with the game, not a patch, not an option, so every damn game has it, and you dont have to find a game outta every 300.
5. CLASSES such as grnadiers and mg gunners, officers, and just avergae riflemen, like DoD.
[This message has been edited by [EC]Mjr. Winters (edited February 24, 2002).]
All of the above plus smarted allied soldiers and more missions with other allied soldiers kicking butt rather than having to sneak around all by yourself.
Ya. I'm getting tired of the team-matches where no one acts like a team. Its just a free fer all with sides.
I think a better communication system. The one now is too limited and too general. You should be able to a) link up better with Roger Wilco or something like it b) directed commands - 'player name' get outta my foxhole".
Would be better I think.
Don't Be Afraid of The Enemy You Can See, Be Afraid of the Ones You Can't.