I recently found MOHAA at the bottom of a pile of cds and installed it again. I cant remember my DMW password and DMW wont let me register a new one. Ive been trying to register since september 07 and its now may 08. I must say im getting a little impatiant. Does anyone know when DMW will start allowing account creation again? Or where i can get some information/correspondence from anyone at dmw, because their forums are offline and i get no reply from sending emails. Any help greatly appreciated. Please dont just tell me to try and remember my username and password. Thats not helpful at all.
Yeah they're the fellows. But once the program is installed onto of your game, you then need to log into it. Which requires an account username and password, which hasnt been available for creation for some time now.
Location: AA.com North Building, Offtopic Floor, Apartment 1337
05-15-2008, 07:21 PM
i think he is trying to find out why they are no longer accepting username and passwords. If I were you, I'd just email bomb the admins until you get an answer, as it seems from Google Searches that they took off the create an account function long ago.