Why do some people insist upon coming into realism round-based games and killing their whole team? I was in a game today in which there were about 5 tkers on the axis side, we had to kill them at the beginning to stop them from wiping us out. They also seem to enjoy taking people's names and changing theirs to the other persons. I just can't understand why people would deliberatley do this.
Yeah Team killers are imature... I don't get killed allot by them though. When ever I am involed in that, I get even with them then say "no more". The host would kick me so thats also why I don't want to do that.
Saving Private Ryan
I think team killers are babies too. The get a joy about screwing up the fun for everyone else in the game for their own enjoyment. Lame people. sheeze.
They are just some little 10 year old kiddies who are exhausted that they can't kill ppl in good methods (e.g. fair play), so they must do it bad methods (teamkilling).They just want to see you get angry..
Although I am not a psychologist, I think that its the truth.