Tug-O-War linked maps working ! -
09-25-2002, 07:48 PM
Hi folks,
Based on an idea that Kdja and Tstrait gave me (and there help testing it tonight) ... i've got Tug-O-War working
The good news is that it works 100% on Hosted servers (i.e. the admin is actually a player on the server pc).
The bad news is that it dont work on dedicated servers :-(
But hey, at least it can be made to work.
I altered the then Mohaa OBJ maps ... The Hunt / V2 and The Bridge so they all linked together
You start on The Hunt
if allies win it goes The Hunt -> V2 - > The Bridge - > The Hunt etc
if axis win it goes The Hunt -> The Bridge -> V2 - > The Hunt etc
Can be made to work with any combination of maps.