Who cares. Their trying to make money. They can sing, and most of us may not like it, but a lot of people do. And thats why they have millions of dollars and you don't.
Location: South Side Chicago *GO SOX | BEARS | ILLINI*
09-29-2002, 03:56 AM
they dont play that n-stink simpsons episode anymore in syndication because the twin towers are in it...when nysnc is on the navy ship off new york there in the backround....and they wont play the awesome new york simpsons show where homer has to get the denver boot off his car. he goes up the towers to use the bathroom lol biggrin: --i like the simpsons oOo:
Who cares. Their trying to make money. They can sing, and most of us may not like it, but a lot of people do. And thats why they have millions of dollars and you don't.