Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
Pyro, where do you think that store bought foodcomes from? Force fed livestock, thats where. Force fed, then killed en masse. Your canadian, so I assume you eat french shit ike Foix Gras. Thats some cruel shit right there, for a goose. Force feeding the thing until its liver fucking ruptures. Is that more humane than puting a bullet into an animal and killing it nearly instantly?
so? I could say that cops are allowed to put a bullet in a human being who causes a ruckess...but if I do it I go to jail...
The guy is doing a crime, why can't I put a bullet in his head?
That is what the government warrents...it is a way to survive so we don't have to kill more. Only way Id be ok with hunting is if we go back to theold days where grocery stores, fast food restuarrants and shit doens't exist and hunting is the only way...then it will be right.