Once upon a time, there was this kid name Winnie. HE played Tribes 2. Whenever the kids would say "All you bases is ours" he would yell "We shall never surrender. We shall fight in the hills and valleys .. . " and often he bored them to death, and won. So, one day, Winnie met this chick. He was boffin her, when all the sudden he went "This is a story you shall tell your grandchildren, and mightily bored they'll be" and she went "d00d, wtf? You're not wearing a rubber, are you?"
So, when she was pregnant, he was like "this is a day that shall live in infamy" and she kicked him in the beans as hard as she could.
Well, eventually, she kicked everyone she could find, she was so pissed. He took here to a beach to calm her down, but she kicked everyone she saw right in the mean bean machine. So, Winnie's like "There's only two kinds of dicks on this beach: The dead and those about to die. So lets get the hell out of here!"
So, he couldnt dump the chick, and he ended up just getting mistresses. One day, he met Jenna Field, and he took her as a mistress. However, soon he fell in love with jenna's sister, and her other sister. One day, jenna asked why he loved them all, and he said "Make every Field your Mistress" The End