Dude, Whatada....You're such a nub, stop trying to flame everyone - They all know you're the peachfuzz brandishing, babynuts maj winterz on the rocket n00b pic. You have no respect because you're like 12. Euthanasia is the answer for you.
notice how when one of us lowly pondscum types goes offtopic, the nazis will lock the thread, but when they go off topic, they turn it into a sewing circle biggrin: (see cloud's thread on a self inflicted injury)
Dude, Whatada....You're such a nub, stop trying to flame everyone - They all know you're the peachfuzz brandishing, babynuts maj winterz on the rocket n00b pic. You have no respect because you're like 12. Euthanasia is the answer for you.[/quote:25fe5]
Dude, Whatada....You're such a nub, stop trying to flame everyone - They all know you're the peachfuzz brandishing, babynuts maj winterz on the rocket n00b pic. You have no respect because you're like 12. Euthanasia is the answer for you.