We can have 30 round mags. i can go out and buy a 30 round ar mag no problem. but in order for people to import them (guns stores) legally, they have to be adapted to hold no more than 5 rounds. Thus they are pinned to where only 5 rounds can be inserted for in the 30 round magazine. (sometimes you can squish 6 or 7 in there, so i've heard) I think california has some of the same laws and probably a few other states as well.
this applies to all centerfire semi auto weapons. the magazine is illegal if it is designed to fit in a centerfire rifle and holds more than 5 rounds. it's totally fucking gay, i know, but that's the way it is here. and it won't change. most people here would rather the only people to have guns be cops and the bad guys so that when someone busts into my house at 3am, i will call the cops and wait 10 min for them to show up.
[quote:271e5]Q. What is the maximum number of cartridges that a firearm magazine can legally hold?
As set out in Criminal Code Regulations, some large-capacity magazines are prohibited regardless of the class of firearm to which the magazines are attached. As a general rule, the maximum magazine capacity is:
* 5 cartridges for most magazines designed for a semi-automatic centre-fire long gun; or
* 10 cartridges for most handgun magazines
A large-capacity magazine is not prohibited if it has been permanently altered so that it cannot hold more than the number of cartridges allowed by law. Acceptable ways to alter a magazine are set out in the regulations.
There is no limit to the magazine capacity for semi-automatic rim-fire long guns, or for other long guns that are not semi-automatics. [/quote:271e5]