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07-12-2001, 03:03 AM
LOL! I must be pretty stupid, because I thought you were singing that "french song" that Christia Agulera, Maya, and that other person were singing! H4W H4W H4W!

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07-12-2001, 03:05 AM
I was.. while doing other stupid imitations
I will serve as a big distraction to Hans and DJK for the duration of their dick-size competition..

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07-12-2001, 03:34 AM
OH GOD, brings back haunted memories of "Moulin Rouge", Back!, Back! foul daemon...
Highlights of round one...
DJK: You suck dick!
Hans: Yeah, so do you...
DJK: Prove it...
Hans: Alrighty...
DJK: (Undoes fly, pulls down pants...)
Hans: MMM, Minty...
Now, If that don't stop this topic, god knows what will 
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07-12-2001, 07:45 AM
Good God!!!. I wonder if DJK or Hans have lives or they just sit on this forum and reply to eachothers posts

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07-12-2001, 09:23 AM
"Really? So if someone is offended by something, that automatically means it's an insult!?"
Insult: To treat with gross insensitivity, insolence, or contemptuous rudeness.
If I am what you say I am (which I am not), you would be treating me with gross insensitivity by constantly bringing up these things. Right now you are treating me with contemptuous rudeness, by showing me rude behavior (lying about me) full of contempt and resentment.
"Then you are not using common sense."
Or it is not true.
"You have no idea? LMAO! That's BS and you know it. "
The only thing BS, is that you expect me to know which meaning you were using.
"Just reading your posts proves that you have no real truth to your arguement."
Just reading that statement shows you have no proof.
"Most of it, at least in this thread. It would take me all night to quote every single thing."
Just reading that statement shows you have no proof.
"As I said, you arn't stupid in the EXACT meaning, but in the way it's used today, you could be called stupid. The fact that you keep going on, acting as if you think you're right proves that."
Acting like I'm right proves I'm stupid? I don't recall ANY definition (even the attached ones) that states feeling right makes you stupid.
"Well, I have no idea about your education, but you are definately unaware and possibly uninformed, at least on the subject of my being obsessed w/blood and lazy because I don't want to make a mod. You also appear to be quite unaware that YOU are completely wrong in this arguement, except for your pointing out that "idiot" and "thick-headed" are used incorrectly these days."
Oh, so I'm not allowed to think your obsessed, or lazy? But you can think anything you want of me, proclaim it true with no proof, and support it until I proved you were lying (this is what just happened)?
"No, I only post LOGICAL possibilities. Your being right in this arguement wouldn't be one of them."
Me being right is LOGICAL. Calling me names when the meanings do not show what you mean is not.
"Yes, their EXACT meaning is different from the way you're acting, but the meaning that they have now a days to most people, would indeed fit the way you've acted."
And the fact remains that I could have no idea which of the attached meanings you were using.
"Only the ones in this thread. That was a nice comeback though. Too bad it's purely fiction."
Any proof?
"LMAO. Lets see, that I'm NOT obsessed w/blood. That I'm not lazy because I don't want to make a mod. The modern meanings of "idiot" and "thick-headed". The fact that overall, I'm completely right and you're completely wrong. I think to all those w/common sense, those things are clearly true, yet, you seem to be oblivious to them."
You are not "completely right", because I have just proven how you lied about me. Hmmm, no one has agreed with you. Are you saying no one here has common sense?
"Your posts."
Just reading that statement shows you have no proof.
"No, your posts DO prove something. They prove that you're wrong, and in some cases, you're ignorant. As much as you pretend that it's not the case, it is."
Just reading that statement shows you have no proof.
"My whole arguement for the last few days has been baised on what I MEANT by those words, which WAS correct. I simply chose the wrong words, not realizing that you would get so desperate that you'd actually LOOK them up, and then claim that you didn't know what I meant by them. That was really pathetic. If I say that something is cool, would you tell me that I didn't use the word correctly? Would you say that you didn't know what I meant by it? Would you say that I lied, because what I was talking about didn't really have a slightly cold temperature?? Would you say the attached meaning used these days didn't matter?"
Oh, so now I'm supposed to know what you mean, when your words don't mean it? And cool has the meaning you refer to listed in the dictionary.
"*sigh* You knew EXACTLY what I meant by "idiot" and "thick-headed". You truly are nit-picking, although you deny it."
The only thing BS is you expect me to know which meaning you're using.
"Just about every post of yours in this thread, except for where you pointed out the wrong usage of "idiot","thick-headed" and "stupid" in todays culture."
Just reading that statement shows you have no proof.
"Of course it is."
Not when I can have no idea which of the hundereds of attached meanings you are using.
"I'm not ignoring the meanings, and I'm no longer calling you an idiot or thick headed."
But you keep acting like the actual meanings don't matter, because of the attached meaning put there by ignorant people, who don't know the actual meaning.
"I'm the farthest thing from ignorant that you'll ever see."
That there my friend, is a lie.
"I KNOW the real meanings."
Then stop telling me the attached meanings are more important then the ACTUAL meaning.
"I'm just using the words the way everyone else does, including you. What I MEANT by those words are INDEED truths about you."
How would I know what you mean when the actual meaning of the words is wrong when used to describe me, And there are far too many attached meanings to find which one you are using.
"And so did I. But I was not wrong in what I MEANT by them, as you were."
How would I know what you MEANT by it when the actual meaning of the words is wrong when used to describe me, And there are far too many attached meanings to find which one you are using.
"Well, lets see. You've called me obsessed w/blood MANY times, even after I explained that I wasn't. You've told me to make a mod over and over and called me lazy each time I've explained WHY I don't want to. You've denied your wrongness time and again, when it was obvious that you were. You've called ME wrong when it was obvious that I wasn't. What do you THINK I meant by "idiot" and "thick-headed"!?"
Obsessed: To have the mind excessively preoccupied with a single emotion or topic.
You showed me this when you constantly posted about blood, and only blood.
Lazy: Resistant to work or exertion; disposed to idleness.
You showed me this when you refused to do work to solve your problem, which would have been fine, if you didn't keep complaining about it.
"The words EXACT definition wasn't true. The MODERN definition though, used my MANY people WAS true about you."
You were wrong, stop making up excuses.
[This message has been edited by Hans (edited July 12, 2001).]
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07-12-2001, 10:51 AM
you mean moulin rouge?? god i hate that song but you know what?? most of the girls in that video are quite hot
kitchi kitchi ya ya ta ta
ooc a chacolata ya ya
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07-12-2001, 11:40 AM
"If you are offended, then it means you cannot handle the truth."
Again, me being offended makes it an insult, and I see no evidence that makes it the "truth".
"Yes, you do have a point, but as I said, it's not my fault that "idiot" and thick-headed" are now used incorrectly, to describe someone like you. What I called you was wrong. What I meant was correct."
However, it is your fault you used them incorrectly. I have no idea what you meant, only the meanings of the words you used.
"You already are."
Prove it.
"well, alot of what you say doesn't make much sense, so that could be up for debate."
Like what?
"No, in the actual meaning of the word, you are not stupid. But you've shown much ignorance in this arguement. Does THAT word cover it?"
There for I am not stupid.
-"Ignorance: The condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed."-
How is disagreeing with you being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed?
"I would be INSULTING the members of this board if I said I thought they DIDN'T see your ignorance."
Or I'm not ignorant, and this is another of your lies.
"The way you continue to argue proves otherwise. Either you're lying, or you don't KNOW you're wrong, in which case I REALLY pity you."
Or I am not wrong. Don't leave out possibilities just because they don't support your argument.
"All I admit was that I used the words "idiot" and "thick-headed" incorrectly according to their exact meanings. But w/the way they are used by just about EVERYONE these days, you WOULD BE those things."
The fact that people call pen's (an non-living object) gay (a sexual term), does make them right to do so. You callimg me things (and then saying they are true) when the meaning is clearly different the the way I am acting.
"I've not read a single post of yours that hasn't shown a lack common sense."
Then you obviously don't read many of them.
"Well, you've denied things that are clearly true all through out this thread, so I'd say your own advice would serve you well."
What have I denide that was clearly true?
""Absloute incorrectness" was just my little joke(although if it were a word, it would describe you perfectly)."
Any proof of that?
"I don't HAVE to. Just reading your posts is enough to prove I'm right and you're wrong to anyone w/common sense."
Just reading my posts doesn't prove anything. What is your actual proof you can post here to support you?
"Oh god. I think it proves that you have no real point, seeing that the only arguement you have left is the fact that I technically used words incorrectly, only because thats the way they're used these days. You're trying to make me look completely wrong about EVERYTHING, simply because of my mis-use of 2 words. That is TRULY pathetic."
The fact that your whole argument for these past few days has been based on these incorrectly used terms is my point. And why you are wrong to say they are true.
"They were not lies. They were me using words that are used incorrectly these days to describe you. I, as everyone, wasn't using them to mean their ACTUAL definition. Neither did you, until you realized that you had NOTHING else, and could only delay your inevitable defeat, by looking up their actual meaning in a vain attempt to make me look bad."
They are lies since you were saying they were true when they were not.
"I saw it as an attack."
Then you saw incorrectly.
"my being right is MY BEING RIGHT. And the proof is in YOUR wrong posts."
You keep saying my "wrong posts". Which wrong posts?
"The ACTUAL definitions do not, but the attached meaning of those words THESE days describe you perfectly."
The attached meaning is not relevent.
"You were not aware of? HA! You YOURSELF used the word "idiot" in one of your posts. You KNOW exactly what I meant, and since you couldn't deny THAT, you had to look up the actual meaning."
The fact that you do not care about the actual meaning shows how desperate you are to ignore this fact.
"What we BOTH know I MEANT is very true. Looking up those meanings was quite pathetic, and proved, no matter what you respond to this, that you truly were desperate, and had nothing else."
Or it proves I was tired of you telling "truth" that was not true, and wished to prove your ignorance of the meaning of these words.
"I used them as everyone else, including YOU used them."
And I was incorrect to use it that way, which I admited.
"Yes, they are, and I technically, as everyone, was wrong. But what I MEANT is absolutely correct."
And what did you mean?
"No, I'm jokingly making up definitions to DESCRIBE you. You wouldn't nit-pic like this if you really HAD a good point."
I'm not nit-picing, I'm showing how you called something true that was not.
[This message has been edited by Hans (edited July 12, 2001).]
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07-12-2001, 11:46 AM
yanno, im starting to wonder if maybe these two' parents/wifes/girlfriends/jobs have been seeing less and less of them since this little thread started??
they seem to reply quickly and well damn, its freaking taking forever to end this
my advice, get a life.. or two
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07-13-2001, 02:12 AM
I just saw Final Fantasy.. not what I expected but very nice!
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07-13-2001, 02:19 AM
"If I am what you say I am (which I am not), you would be treating me with gross insensitivity by constantly bringing up these things. Right now you are treating me with contemptuous rudeness, by showing me rude behavior (lying about me) full of contempt and resentment."
As I said, sometimes the truth hurts.
"Or it is not true."
Oh, it's CLEARLY true.
"You have no idea? LMAO! That's BS and you know it. "
"The only thing BS, is that you expect me to know which meaning you were using."
Again, BS!
"Just reading that statement shows you have no proof."
No, YOUR statement shows that you really wish that your posts wern't indeed proof of what I say.
"Just reading that statement shows you have no proof."
See above.
"Acting like I'm right proves I'm stupid? I don't recall ANY definition (even the attached ones) that states feeling right makes you stupid."
LMAO, avoiding that one I see. I never said that the act of thinking one is right makes you the 'modern' definition of stupid.
"Oh, so I'm not allowed to think your obsessed, or lazy?"
Huh? You can THINK anything you want. Just don't proclaim it as truth.
"But you can think anything you want of me, proclaim it true with no proof, and support it until I proved you were lying"
I was not LYING. I only TECHNICALLY used the wrong words. What we both know I meant by those words(idiot, thick-headed and stupid) do w/out a doubt apply to you.
"Me being right is LOGICAL. Calling me names when the meanings do not show what you mean is not."
No, your being right is CERTIANLY not logical. And, the meanings those words have taken those days DO show what I mean. Your acting like I'm crazy for using those words to mean their modern definitions(as did you) is rediculous, and shows your desperation.
"And the fact remains that I could have no idea which of the attached meanings you were using."
Only if you've been living in a cave since the word was used to mean the ACTUAL definition. When was the last time you actually heard the words idiot, thick-headed and stupid used to describe someone who is mentally disabled?
"Any proof?"
I don't need proof. Common sense proves it's true.
"You are not "completely right", because I have just proven how you lied about me."
As I said, it was not a lie. The meaning that word has taken on is indeed true about you. If anything, I chose the wrong words, not knowing that you would actually look them up and then pretend you didn't know the modern meanings.
"Hmmm, no one has agreed with you. Are you saying no one here has common sense?"
The only person that MADE a comment concerning the actual things we're arguing about agreed w/me. Everyone else has just exclaimed about how long this was going on and stayed neutral.
"Just reading that statement shows you have no proof."
Once again, see above.
"Just reading that statement shows you have no proof."
I really don't know what kind of proof you're asking for. In a situation like this, there's nothing scientific that can PROVE anything. There's just common sense, which, (for those of us who have it) shows that I am right.
"Oh, so now I'm supposed to know what you mean, when your words don't mean it?"
You are really desperate arn't ya. Just stop pretenting that you don't know the words modern meanings!
"And cool has the meaning you refer to listed in the dictionary."
Yes, of course it does. I'm talking about using it to say something like, "That game is really cool". Would you say that you didn't know what I was talking about? Would you say that it didn't really mean that, so I lied? Cool's ACTUAL meaning is something like "slightly cold to the touch", but it's now used to mean "neat" or "very interesting". Just as idiot was originally meant to describe someone w/a mental disability, but now is used to describe someone who does something boneheaded/stupid. Ie- calling me obsessed and lazy, basically saying I'm wrong in this arguement. The same goes for thick-headed.
"The only thing BS is you expect me to know which meaning you're using."
You're pathetic Hans. You're actually resorting to playing dumb about the commonly used meaning of these words.
"Just reading that statement shows you have no proof."
Just reading THAT statement 5 times shows that you're both wrong AND out of ideas. It's like covering your ears and singing to yourself as I talk, because you can no longer argue intelligently.
"Not when I can have no idea which of the hundereds of attached meanings you are using."
Idiot and thick-headed have HUNDREDS of attached meanings!?
"But you keep acting like the actual meanings don't matter, because of the attached meaning put there by ignorant people, who don't know the actual meaning".
In this situation, the actual meanings DON'T matter. The meanings I was directing at you are commonly used and EVERYONE knows what I meant. By pointing out the exact meanings and acting as if you don't know the modern meanings, you are only avoiding what I'm REALLY saying, and taking a cheap shot, which proves nothing other than that you know how to look up a word *all clap* and that you ARE indeed getting desperate, although I don't doubt you'll deny that to the bitter end.
"That there my friend, is a lie."
Now THAT is nothing more than an insult. I'm sure you TRULY wish it was a lie, but alas, it's quite true. *waits for Hans' pathetic "and there's another lie"* *then waits for Hans' "just because you predict what I'll say, doesn't mean it's not true"*
"Then stop telling me the attached meanings are more important then the ACTUAL meaning."
Everyone knows that I meant the attached meanings, so the actual meanings are irrelevant in this case, unless, out of desperation, you desire to change the subject. You have turned this into an arguement about how words are used incorrectly these days. What does that have to do w/me wanting blood in MOH:AA? I know what you'll say. You'll say that I called you those words in our blood arguement, and you'd be right. However, since we all know what I meant by those words(although you'll deny that), this discussion about the exact meanings, and modern societies mis-use of those words is not on topic, nor can it prove me right or wrong.
"How would I know what you mean when the actual meaning of the words is wrong when used to describe me, And there are far too many attached meanings to find which one you are using."
See above.
"How would I know what you MEANT by it when the actual meaning of the words is wrong when used to describe me, And there are far too many attached meanings to find which one you are using."
See above.
"Obsessed: To have the mind excessively preoccupied with a single emotion or topic.
You showed me this when you constantly posted about blood, and only blood."
No I have NOT. I have shown you that I want blood in this game, and so posted about it often. It's persistance, not obsession.
"Lazy: Resistant to work or exertion; disposed to idleness.
You showed me this when you refused to do work to solve your problem, which would have been fine, if you didn't keep complaining about it."
No, as I told you many times before, I simply don't WANT to. If I DID desire to make a blood mod, but didn't, THEN you could call me lazy. Just because I continually complain about there not being blood, only means that I bitch alot. It doesn't mean I HAVE to make a mod. I don't know how to make a mod. I don't have any desire to learn how, and I don't have any desire to do so.
"The words EXACT definition wasn't true. The MODERN definition though, used my MANY people WAS true about you."
"You were wrong, stop making up excuses."
I admitted that I was TECHNICALLY wrong in my usage of those words. But, since everyone including YOU used them to mean the same as I did, I see nothing wrong w/using those words.
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07-13-2001, 02:59 AM
"As I said, sometimes the truth hurts."
And sometimes what you say isn't true (like the part of your post this is replying to).
"Oh, it's CLEARLY true."
Then why can't you prove it?
"Again, BS!"
Again, tell me which meaning you are using.
"No, YOUR statement shows that you really wish that your posts wern't indeed proof of what I say."
Or you wish my posts were indeed proof of what you say. Why else would you be so reluctant to show any proof?
"LMAO, avoiding that one I see. I never said that the act of thinking one is right makes you the 'modern' definition of stupid."
-"but in the way it's used today, you could be called stupid. The fact that you keep going on, acting as if you think you're right proves that."-
Right there you say me thinking I'm right proves I'm the 'modern' definition of stupid.
"Huh? You can THINK anything you want. Just don't proclaim it as truth."
But it is truth.
"I was not LYING. I only TECHNICALLY used the wrong words. What we both know I meant by those words(idiot, thick-headed and stupid) do w/out a doubt apply to you."
Which 'modern' definition are you using. Or did you just pick an insult at random and use it to insult me without actually knowing it's meaning?
"No, your being right is CERTIANLY not logical. And, the meanings those words have taken those days DO show what I mean. Your acting like I'm crazy for using those words to mean their modern definitions(as did you) is rediculous, and shows your desperation."
Why is my being right not logical? The only thing illogical I see, is you continuing to act as if you were right because you used some definition made up by ignorant people trying to insult others.
"Only if you've been living in a cave since the word was used to mean the ACTUAL definition. When was the last time you actually heard the words idiot, thick-headed and stupid used to describe someone who is mentally disabled?"
I hear people using it all the time. The thing is, it's used in so many different scenarios, that it's possible (incorrect) meaning could be almost anything.
"I don't need proof. Common sense proves it's true."
Don't need proof!? That shows you don't have any, and you are wrong.
"As I said, it was not a lie. The meaning that word has taken on is indeed true about you. If anything, I chose the wrong words, not knowing that you would actually look them up and then pretend you didn't know the modern meanings."
The word you used was WRONG, making the statement WRONG, you called it the truth, it is now the opposite of truth, it is now a lie.
"The only person that MADE a comment concerning the actual things we're arguing about agreed w/me. Everyone else has just exclaimed about how long this was going on and stayed neutral."
Care to repeat the statement that agrees with you? The onlt statement close to what you say is by SoLiDUS, and he doesn't agree with either of us. He just stated that I started this, not that you are right.
"I really don't know what kind of proof you're asking for. In a situation like this, there's nothing scientific that can PROVE anything. There's just common sense, which, (for those of us who have it) shows that I am right."
How does common sense show you are right, all I see is you stating your right, which doesn't prove anything.
"You are really desperate arn't ya. Just stop pretenting that you don't know the words modern meanings!"
Just tell me what you meant. Or do you even know?
"Yes, of course it does. I'm talking about using it to say something like, "That game is really cool"."
That meaning is in the dictionary.
"Would you say that you didn't know what I was talking about?"
No, because that meaning is in the dictionary.
"Would you say that it didn't really mean that, so I lied? Cool's ACTUAL meaning is something like "slightly cold to the touch", but it's now used to mean "neat" or "very interesting". Just as idiot was originally meant to describe someone w/a mental disability, but now is used to describe someone who does something boneheaded/stupid. Ie- calling me obsessed and lazy, basically saying I'm wrong in this arguement. The same goes for thick-headed.
But you are obsessed, and lazy, so I'm not doing anything boneheaded/stupid.
"The only thing BS is you expect me to know which meaning you're using."
You're pathetic Hans. You're actually resorting to playing dumb about the commonly used meaning of these words.
"Just reading THAT statement 5 times shows that you're both wrong AND out of ideas."
Or it shows that I'm waiting for you to prove any of what you say is true.
"It's like covering your ears and singing to yourself as I talk, because you can no longer argue intelligently."
Or, I'm hoping you will finally answer my question if I ask it enough times.
"Idiot and thick-headed have HUNDREDS of attached meanings!?"
Yes, I have seen them used in so many different situations, that there must be hundereds of 'modern' meanings people use when dealing with these words.
"In this situation, the actual meanings DON'T matter. The meanings I was directing at you are commonly used and EVERYONE knows what I meant."
You could have meant MANY things. The strange part is you won't tell me what you meant.
"By pointing out the exact meanings and acting as if you don't know the modern meanings"
I'm not saying I don't know the modern meanings (though I probably don't know them all). I'm saying I don't know which you are using.
"you are only avoiding what I'm REALLY saying"
Which is?
"and taking a cheap shot"
No, that's what you did when you said things about me that were not true.
"which proves nothing other than that you know how to look up a word"
And that you don't.
"*all clap*"
You have go to get over this fantasy that you are ALL the people.
"and that you ARE indeed getting desperate"
A more accurate description would be -- your attempts to overlook how you used words incorrectly shows you're desperate.
"although I don't doubt you'll deny that to the bitter end."
Just like you deny insulting me when it's obvious?
"Now THAT is nothing more than an insult. I'm sure you TRULY wish it was a lie, but alas, it's quite true. *waits for Hans' pathetic "and there's another lie"* *then waits for Hans' "just because you predict what I'll say, doesn't mean it's not true"*"
You are not the "farthest thing from ignorant". There for it is a lie.
"Everyone knows that I meant the attached meanings, so the actual meanings are irrelevant in this case, unless, out of desperation, you desire to change the subject."
And now, out of desperation, you want to ignore that you did something wrong.
"You have turned this into an arguement about how words are used incorrectly these days."
Which they are.
"What does that have to do w/me wanting blood in MOH:AA?"
Nothing, it has to do with you insulting me with them, and calling it truth.
"I know what you'll say. You'll say that I called you those words in our blood arguement, and you'd be right."
Wrong, but close.
"However, since we all know what I meant by those words(although you'll deny that)"
If we "ALL" (again you are not everyone. Is this a fantasy of yours?) know the meaning, why are you so reluctant to tell me what you meant?
"this discussion about the exact meanings, and modern societies mis-use of those words is not on topic"
Why, because it proves you did something wrong? This just proves how DESPERATE you are getting to overlook this.
"nor can it prove me right or wrong."
It can prove you wrong, because you used words you called truth incorrectly.
"No I have NOT. I have shown you that I want blood in this game, and so posted about it often. It's persistance, not obsession."
Your mind is excessively preoccupied with a single topic, that topic being blood. This is shown by BLOOD being the ONLY topic posted of by you.
"No, as I told you many times before, I simply don't WANT to. If I DID desire to make a blood mod, but didn't, THEN you could call me lazy. Just because I continually complain about there not being blood, only means that I bitch alot. It doesn't mean I HAVE to make a mod. I don't know how to make a mod. I don't have any desire to learn how, and I don't have any desire to do so."
Your constant complaining showed me you wanted the problem solved. But then you were resistant to the work needed to solve the problem. That's why you're lazy.
"The words EXACT definition wasn't true. The MODERN definition though, used my MANY people WAS true about you."
Again, what is the modern definition that describes me?
"I admitted that I was TECHNICALLY wrong in my usage of those words. But, since everyone including YOU used them to mean the same as I did, I see nothing wrong w/using those words."
Anyone with common sense can see that using words that do not mean what you want to express is not something to do on a message board. On a message board the only way you can get your meaning across is through the WORDS. Using words incorrectly defeats the purpose of this.
[This message has been edited by Hans (edited July 13, 2001).]
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07-13-2001, 05:46 AM
Alright as I've said before quit this now.
I can't believe u guys spend all "Fucking day", typing up a answer against each other.
You must be "fucking loners",
why else would u do it?
If u really wonna have a go and beat the crap outta each other, then go to the server.
If u don't know what server Iam on about,
go to page six, it's Ip address should be there.
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07-13-2001, 07:33 AM
They probably just copy and paste most of this shit...Anywho, speaking of "Moulin Rouge", I just got back from seeing it, It's actually very good, so, If you have the chance to see it do so, and what Von P says, go's 
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Location: Buffalo, NY USA

07-13-2001, 07:49 AM
Hans, I'm not even going to finish reading your post. I'm DONE w/this arguement. You still feel the same way, and I still feel the same way, and we are NEVER going to agree. I REALLY don't feel like responding to everything you say there, so I will simply quit. Not because I don't have good responses, but because these posts are becoming so long and predictable that it's just pointless. I'm not SURRENDERING, I'm just quiting. IMO you are still dead wrong. Buh bye now.
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07-13-2001, 08:06 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by -DJK-:
Hans, I'm not even going to finish reading your post. I'm DONE w/this arguement. You still feel the same way, and I still feel the same way, and we are NEVER going to agree. I REALLY don't feel like responding to everything you say there, so I will simply quit. Not because I don't have good responses, but because these posts are becoming so long and predictable that it's just pointless. I'm not SURRENDERING, I'm just quiting. IMO you are still dead wrong. Buh bye now.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Fine, I agree (except for the part about me being wrong). Now that your no longer insulting me, I won't have to respond in the previous format, and continue this. It's been fun, and sorry to all those people I annoyed by doing this, but it's over now, so you guys don't have to look at this anymore and get pissed off.
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