Like i have mentioned before, i am a huge combat sim fan...ive been hooked since cfs 1, and cfs 2 ive been playing for almost 2 yrs now.....and loved it! im in the Hells Angels 303rd Bombardment Group im Hells Angels 20® aka Bat21 here is the site
we are one of the best cfs2 squads out there on the Zone!
When i bought IL-2 i couldnt believe how realistic and beautiful the game was, i mean wow. Cfs 2 cant even come close to IL-2. I am very excited about cfs3 because our squad is branching out into cfs3 too

soon we will own that too! I will say that cfs3 probably wont be as cool as it could be, like they pointed out earlier the cockpits are horrendous in cfs series...IL-2 is phonomenal and i cant wait for the IL-2 expansion ! btw a cool IL-2 site
Any combat flight simmers want to fly with me let me know