Originally Posted by MPowell1944
well to be dead honest with all of you. disabling forcemodels does nothing. i know from experience. All it does it disable the cvar, cg_forceModel. but think about this. what if cg_forceModel wasn't cg_forceModel anymore. disabled cg_forceModel would then be useless, b/c that wouldn't be the cvar's title anymore. PM me if you would like more info on how this is done. there might be a way to override this problem. thanks
i know what you are talking about but im pretty sure patches take care of this requiring it to be reapplied each time.
patches just pick start points in the original exe to write to to modify it to the patched version. you insert new cvars the exe wont be able to patched or will generally just fuX0r up.
if spearhead modifies the old mohaa.exe on install then anyone who had used this method on AA would know. apart from that the same will apply when all patches for SH are applied.
solution would be to include checksum verify on the main exe to confirm an unaltered prior version when patch is applied.