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MoH General Discussion General Discussion about Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, expansions and Pacific Assault

View Poll Results: As a customer of EA, which Internet game browser do you want to use
Game Spy 38 17.43%
The All Seeing Eye 180 82.57%
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Default 11-19-2002, 09:48 AM

You've never seen the ad spam because you've got the regsitered version. Even THEY know how annoying it is with their tongueincheek ads that try to get you to register to get "rid of those nasty ads". And ASE interface is SOOOOO much more simpler to navigate around. It used to be you were able to see how many people were in a game that you dont have installed. Now you have to dig for that feature to even get access. With ASE I have to load up a small utility to launch the game. If it's full or there might be connection problems. No big, ASE wont open it. Oh no not with ASE. It'll open it regardless and let MOH figure out the connection suitability.

Bottom line its a whole lot for nothing with GS vs getting a little thats worth alot with ASE.
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pest is Offline
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Default 11-19-2002, 09:55 AM

[quote="The Coalition To Save ED!":43db5]

Bottom line its a whole lot for nothing with GS vs getting a little thats worth alot with ASE.[/quote:43db5]

Heh, but mine works. :P

J/K - Yes, you are right, GS could take a few notes from ASE and upgrade their interface, but with only a couple of minor tweaks, GS could be just as good in that area.
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Re: Listen EA!! Look at the numbers! Then you decised!
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Default Re: Listen EA!! Look at the numbers! Then you decised! - 11-19-2002, 10:55 AM

Originally Posted by rudedog
The only way to get a company's attention and to
change it's mind. Is to show it hard number that make
good business since.

Yes we could have setup a petition but I think this is
short sweet and to the point.
Please everyone,
send this thread's link to as many MOH or gaming sites out there.
We need as many buyers of EA games
as possible. To vote on this.
Please keep the comments on topic and no derogatory
remarks please

Ummm , ea will never change .

I wonder to know how many free publicity EA get to let speardhead exlusive to gamespy.

And gamespy is not stupid , ASE is almost more popular now . They will try to kill them.
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Druid is Offline
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Default 11-19-2002, 11:07 AM

In GaySpy you don't get a reliable idea of what your ping will be to a server.
In ASE you do.

In GaySpy it doesn't show reserverd slots on servers.
In ASE it does.
In GaySpy it will show my server as 17/20, poeople will waste their time trying to connect. Becuase there are 4 reserverd slots.
In ASE it will show my server as 17/16, people won't waste their time trying to connect to a full server.

The buddy system in Gayspy have never worked for me.
The buddy system in ASE has always worked for me.

I have a few different servers that I go to which need a password.
In GaySpy I cant save and use my passwords for different servers. ( or i don't know how )
In ASE I can setup and save the passwords for the different servers.
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Default 11-19-2002, 11:09 AM

whats with al the EA bashing. its not like there horrible. who brought medal of honor allied assault to us? they might have messed up alittle on spearhead but they'll come out with a patch soon
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Default 11-19-2002, 11:11 AM

Originally Posted by Druid
In GaySpy you don't get a reliable idea of what your ping will be to a server.
In ASE you do.

In GaySpy it doesn't show reserverd slots on servers.
In ASE it does.
In GaySpy it will show my server as 17/20, poeople will waste their time trying to connect. Becuase there are 4 reserverd slots.
In ASE it will show my server as 17/16, people won't waste their time trying to connect to a full server.

The buddy system in Gayspy have never worked for me.
The buddy system in ASE has always worked for me.

I have a few different servers that I go to which need a password.
In GaySpy I cant save and use my passwords for different servers. ( or i don't know how )
In ASE I can setup and save the passwords for the different servers.

right for most , execpt for ping . For ping ase still better but boht still not accurate because they ping a lot server same time.

Ping the whole list , than click on a server . than push CONTROL-P
Push it 10 or 15 time fast , and you will see .
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Default 11-19-2002, 11:11 AM

Originally Posted by OverIord
whats with al the EA bashing. its not like there horrible. who brought medal of honor allied assault to us? they might have messed up alittle on spearhead but they'll come out with a patch soon

umm not ea , 2015

EA is horrible , since BF is release . NO PATCH AT ALL. DANM WE NEED TO SHOOT 4 METERS BEFORE THE TARGET TO HIT! THIS IS A REAL JOKE! AND NO PATCH!? ahahahah . Cmon , i din't play bf since 1 monhts becuase that and most friends i know leaving BF .
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Default 11-19-2002, 11:24 AM

Ok here's my take on the whole GS vs ASE. First of all, as rude dog said, you get spyware put on your computer (my adware picked it up) second you gotta pay $ to get those stupid advertisements to go away. ASE doen's have any advertisements so you immediatly get on and can refresh the list to see whats happening. I understand that there are added benefits to registering and paying for ASE, but who needs that when the free version is just fine.

Also I'm not gonna EA bash, but EA is making there online game go almost exclusively through GS. In fact even if you use the browser that comes with the game, they shamelessly plug GS "Brought to you by Gamespy"

I understand your point Pest, and I have had many people tell me that GS isn't so bad once you pay for it, but why should we when ASE does all of the same for free.

Just my $.02
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Default 11-19-2002, 11:26 AM

Originally Posted by Druid
In GaySpy you don't get a reliable idea of what your ping will be to a server.
In ASE you do.

In GaySpy it doesn't show reserverd slots on servers.
In ASE it does.
In GaySpy it will show my server as 17/20, poeople will waste their time trying to connect. Becuase there are 4 reserverd slots.
In ASE it will show my server as 17/16, people won't waste their time trying to connect to a full server.

The buddy system in Gayspy have never worked for me.
The buddy system in ASE has always worked for me.

I have a few different servers that I go to which need a password.
In GaySpy I cant save and use my passwords for different servers. ( or i don't know how )
In ASE I can setup and save the passwords for the different servers.
The reserved slots thing is a peeve of mine, but it does show the spots in the bottom box as being reserved and it will tell you the server is full if you try to connect, but yes ASE is better here.

GS does always show my ping as being higher than it really is, but it is consistent. I can still make informed decisions on servers based on ping.

Passwords work fine in both. Right click on server in GS or go to properties. F4 in ASE.

The buddy list never worked for me in ASE and was one of the deciding factors in me getting GS. It works like a champ in GS. Kind of odd you had the opposite problem.

A minor one you missed - ASE will display the map rotation of a server and GS wont. Not a big deal, but it is there.[/quote]
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Default 11-19-2002, 11:27 AM

Originally Posted by Argon
Ok here's my take on the whole GS vs ASE. First of all, as rude dog said, you get spyware put on your computer (my adware picked it up) second you gotta pay $ to get those stupid advertisements to go away. ASE doen's have any advertisements so you immediatly get on and can refresh the list to see whats happening. I understand that there are added benefits to registering and paying for ASE, but who needs that when the free version is just fine.

Also I'm not gonna EA bash, but EA is making there online game go almost exclusively through GS. In fact even if you use the browser that comes with the game, they shamelessly plug GS "Brought to you by Gamespy"

I understand your point Pest, and I have had many people tell me that GS isn't so bad once you pay for it, but why should we when ASE does all of the same for free.

Just my $.02


ASE will be very popular in next year , and i don't think they will offer this . This wil offer for year and monhts only.

THis price of ASE is very cheap , guys do like me and buy it . Its for life.
Most of my famely and friend bought it because i told them that.

ASE will be very more costly in some years...

(i notice price increase of 10$ in 1 year.)
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Default 11-19-2002, 11:28 AM

Originally Posted by Argon

I understand your point Pest, and I have had many people tell me that GS isn't so bad once you pay for it, but why should we when ASE does all of the same for free.

Just my $.02
You are absolutely right, and I was there in the past, but now, we are all getting what we paid for.
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Default 11-19-2002, 11:43 AM

hey guys, another thing I like about ASE is that you can monitor a server. I use that function alot when a server is full. That way as soon as a guy drops out I see it and can get in. I also like the "force connect" feature.

I have the paid version of both products so I don't get the commercials on Gspy. (I forgot I did use GS recently to download the SH demo and since I had the paid version I got to go to the head of the line - it took me less than 20 minutes to download it - no waiting).

I didn't know GS even had a buddy list. My ASE buddy list works perfect and that is how I determined where I played until Teamspeak came along. Now I log onto TS and just ask everybody where they are. Thanks Jasper.
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Default 11-19-2002, 11:51 AM

Ok heres how I see things -

GAMESPY is really only good if you have a need to get files immediately that may be exclusive or in high demand. As far as listing servers is concerned, I really dislike how it works. I dislike having to switch in between games just to be able to connect to a specific server I want to. I hate having to dl patch after patch (versus simple updates) just to get to a chat area. There are just so many little things that GAMESPY does that add up to alot.

GAMESPY will NEVER touch ASE as far as user friendliness is concerned. Never. A SMALL utility with no need to whore to other software companies to make a buck. That is why I stick with ASE. GAMESPY does NOTHING but list servers and tell the game to connect. ASE at least lets me know before I connect to a game that I wont be able to get in. I've said that before but that is a BIG thing for me.

The only thing GAMESPY has going for it in my opinion is that it provides demos before anyone else. I dunno about you, but I can wait 3 or 4 hours and get a mirror somewhere for a demo than wait half that time or more in line and then start dling from a company that cant be bothered to listen to the "community".

[quote:d0f1e]hey guys, another thing I like about ASE is that you can monitor a server. I use that function alot when a server is full. That way as soon as a guy drops out I see it and can get in. I also like the "force connect" feature.[/quote:d0f1e]

Totally forgot about that. That is an AWESOME feature. Force connect is useful too when you KNOW that you should be able to connect (such as with a pasworded server). I cant tell you how easy it is to just sit back and let ASE do the work for me instead of clicking on the server, launching the game, and being told im out of luck.
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Default 11-19-2002, 11:53 AM

I don't understand. First EA rushes to get Spearhead on the shelves by not perfecting the game. All they want is the game to come out as fast as possible whether it sucks or not. They dont care about the customer, and never had. Then they decide to buy the rights to Gamespy so people cant use ASE. We are forced to get spanked with popups from Gamespy, forcing people to register because they are fed up. The In-Game browser is practically useless because it cant even see private slots, so half the servers we try and get into dont even work. They need to just see that the people prefer ASE, and GameSpy is a waste of everyone's time. If EA wants to continue making the best games they will need to get the customer's support. hake:
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Default 11-19-2002, 12:06 PM

EA, you stupid monopolist pigs. Lets force people to have to use the ingame browser or Gayspy. That sounds like an excellent idea. And if the people want a more quality server finder, lets charge them an extra $20 bucks for a Gayspy subscription. OH best of all the $20 doesn't completely remove all the ads and doesn't help finding a better server.

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