i was talkin bout atticus!!! i like ur sig too strik0r..but u still an ingrate! and i've helped everyone that has ever PM'd me or e-mailed me a question! i've also made 2 tutorials to help n00bs mod! wTF have you done!
why do you continue? everyone knows ur 6000 posts are crap anyways! show me half of those that are of any worth and i'll appologize! Bah i dont have enough time to sift through garbadge..show me 12 and ill be happy!
why do i continue? funny, i was just thinking the same thing about you. "everyone" sure keeps quiet about it considering the occasional jealous n00b that comes along is the only one who mentions anything about it.
i don't thnk you quite understand me. i don't give a flying fuck what you think of me, if you want to go sort through my posts go ahead. it seems to me you're the one hell beant to prove something here, if you want to prove something, do it yourself.
i'll say this one last time. if you have a problem with me, take it to pm. if you haven't noticed this is a thread about rifles, not your personal opinion about me. i get the feeling nobody cares what you think.
same to you! once again your useless post has moved you closer to the rank... General of Nothing! as all ur other useless posts have proven! and like i said ...4 posts ago this is a dead conversation! but u seem to instigate it further! just be quiet and i will say no more!