Location: AA.com North Building, Offtopic Floor, Apartment 1337
12-11-2002, 01:22 PM
i call alot of people noobs, especially ones who just watch me fight some one without helping me at all, and then kill them after they kill me. I call doorblockers, spawn naders, people who use shotties or are rocketeers, spawn campers (especially in V2), people who don't know how to plant the bomb, people who don't know where the bomb is, people who waste time camping, people who face in the wrong direction of where their supposed to go (such as aiming at a spawn point even though its there own spawn), etc. noobs.
That's the AA.COM forums for ya; everyones turned towards agression for one another.
Forge, that STFU pic sucks.
Umm. . I dunno, I hate all of those words, I use em in sarcasm. Like Ill come on TSO and PM Judas "n00b!!!" but otherwise, I think they are lame. Hence, the reason my chat filter had them blocked! biggrin:
I dont call them noobs and i try to help people out. If they are door blocking say hey try not to block the door. Not "Hey F****** noob get out of the way!"