Originally Posted by MPowell1944
well Glory, if its just a game, then you obviously see why i do what i do. in the long run, it does not hurt anyone (except for taking advantage of poor little anticheaters). and as you said, it is just a GAME. go think about that yourself while your at it.
If its just a game then why all the bullshi* and drama Powell, why the lies, why? Hmm I wonder. Really Powell u were coo for a second there but now your on some shi*, I remember all that stuff you said, Glory man, thx for talking me into my senses, I dont wanna cheat, or do all that man I lost respect for myself and from others, I just wanna mod and make maps now... remember that, bs again. But its coo bro, do you, have fun doing it, peace. Even tho I know you wont eek: