oh oh, jezus votes for Private Jackson as well
man i love that guy........ i've always been a big BIG fan of snipers and well... i think it would be the best role in a war.. for me at least
also im not that bad a shot... so
my only problem so far with games is this:
they have been totally unable to recreate a realistic sniper+intended target scene....
i mean u have Counterstrke... nuff said
and all the others
but the closest the came to it, would be..........!
Swat 1.. the original Swat game.. came on 4 cd's.
most of the game by istelf sucked... but the final mission, if u made it through sniper qual! man its good... u actually have to sit and wait a good... 15 minutes i think before u get the shot... plus it uses windage and great sight adjustment! just like it should be!
and im sure most of you out there agree that it is a most awesome scene.
sleep now
----Savour Since 1982----