Originally Posted by Pyro
conservitive are a bunch of camping n00bs
Pyr0 > Anti and Anti > all conservative
so that says somehting bought new age.
Well fuck that now im playing, im not letting a statment like that fucking stick cause it'll get under my skin for weeks to come. Pyro im gonna tell you once more SNIPERS ARE SUPPOSED TO FUCKING CAMP. A scoped bolt action rifle doesn't make the best assault rifle in the world, "new age" have adopted to that style but imo its not really sniping at all. The whole resaon behind their tactic is because theyre likely to get 1 hit kills, similar to people whoring the awm in counterstrike.
Originally Posted by Pyro
think you can;'t win without him (have you looked at whose on conservative garry)
And whats that trying to say? That we have no chance at all? To that i say BOLLOCKS. Fucking online gaming is a mixed bag there is no sure outcome to a match regardless if a team has "known" players or not.