01-20-2003, 04:10 AM
You don't seem to be happy with anything, I feel this is a sign of a unhappy childhood and or spoiled during that period of time. I got some advise for you:
1)With 7,000+ posts, I fail to see you have a outlife than mohaa
2)Do you have a family? Because you stay on these forums 24/7 refreshing pages until you see a new post lol
3)If it because you can't get any booty, you can call one of those phone sex lines, that should spice up your life!
4)If your looking to be well known, they don't be gay, what point would their be to be well known and have everyone hate you, as they do here[/quote:fc046]
1(With 10 posts, I see you're a ghey n00b