Originally Posted by pest
I went from the "n00b kid on the block" to one of the "near 1337". I wasnt the best, but I knew the names of the 12 guys that were better than me. For me to improve I either had to cheat or use tactics that bored me. Neither was worth pursuing. Time to move on. MOH has been out over a year and has how many patches/updates? How much did the 2nd patch (spearhead) cost us? It is not a game that is built to last. No support, and even at a year is still rather hardware dependant. Cheats are increasingly more common and much more effective and anti cheats are lagging. I really could go on and on, but whatever......f--- MOH.
I hear you 100% on this one. I've had the game since it came out (SH as well) and I am just bored with it. Will maybe try and play once a day but get frustrated trying to find a decent server. Time to move on, play something else, then go back to MOH when everything else gets boring.
As for the posting on the forum, (which i dont have many posts) you guys a freakin hilarious.