Originally Posted by BUTCHER
i was interested in the concept until i went to the link..am i crazy or are those soldiers holding m16 machin guns. talk about changing the coarse of history.!!! LMAO..I PASS.
Not only that, but looks like they have leg holsters, too. Well good luck on it.[/quote:4bef0]
i was thinkin...what a shame..the concept is great. multiplayer game with black powder guns. all that load time. horseback, cannons, histiric battle maps, they could do like battlefield and have sailing ships for sea battles.theres a lot of people who would want that game but mixing history with udated weapons will no dought be a total BOMB. the game cant compare to moh or battlefield and doesnt have and history realism to attract anyone for that reason. its a shame there doin all that work for absolutely nothin. example...if when spearhead came out it had aliens would you have bought it. no of course not. its a stupid idea. and so is the ideas of civil war guys with m16 machine guns...JUST MY OPINION