shit i forgot about snach and office space. fight club the book is better tho.
i recomend reading all of chuck palahniuk's books, theyre badass
i also liked me myself and irene. south park the movie was funny too
minority report is strange and it makes it hard for me to believe it cause that guy from band of brothers is in it and im always like wth hes supposed to be in ww2 not the future oOo:
Which guy?
Minority report shocked me aswell, it looked like such shit on the previews, but i love it when my friend made me watch it
the movie was pretty tight, i didnt like how that bitch jumped out of the water and when she started screaming.. freaked the shit out of me cuz i was really in to it
gotta add Gangs of New York in there. That was an awesome movie by being historically accurate AND having a good story line. Plus, you can't say no to naked women biggrin:
Location: Touchdown City- Morgantown, West Virginia
02-18-2003, 11:08 AM
Best Movie Ever: South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut. That movie is gets funnier every time I see it. And ive seen it 28 times. If u havent see it go rent it. You will piss your pants from laughing.
South park was funny. BOB was a work of art. Spr kicked ass. Beavis and Butthead the movie was funny. Happy Gilmore was hilarious. Dumb and Dumber was awsume. Matrix, star wars series, Lord of the Rings series. Their are lot of top ten movies.
1. The usual suspects
2. The matrix
3. The ROCKEY trilogy
4. Pulp Fiction
5. Steel Magnolia
6. Debie Does Dallas
7. Black Hawk Down
8. American Pie 2
9. The program ( Not sure if thats how its spelled )
10. Eddie Murphy's "Delirioous"